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Charlie's POV

I feel someone tickling my face. It has to be Mam. She wakes me up every morning for school and drives me, even though I usually leave. I skip class all the time and sometimes Mam finds out and sometimes she doesn't. I feel bad that I let her down constantly, but life sucks. It has sucked for years. It has nothing to do with Mam, she is perfect. There's just something inside of me telling me I will never be happy.
"Honey, wake up. It's time for school."
Ugh. I can't get out of bed.
"Can we cuddle for 10 minutes?"
"We don't have 10, only five babe, then we have to go."
She laid down next to me on my bed and pulled my head onto her chest. There will never be anything that comes close to my Mammy cuddling me.
"Why don't I have your Mum make you some breakfast?"
I hate when she calls Kimberley my Mum. It's nothing against Kim, but she's not my Mum. I have one Mum and god only knows where my father is.
I told Mam no as I shot out of bed and turned the shower on. She's always frustrated that I don't accept Kimba. It's not that, it's just I'm a lonely kid and I am constantly letting them both down. It's enough to let one of my mothers down, let alone both of them. I know Mam is upset that I ran off, but even after living with Kimba for 10 years, she's nothing more than just Kimba. I've never desired the comfort off of her that Mam can give me.

I took my shower, dried my hair, and threw on some jeans and a crop top. I checked my phone.
Aiden: Down to hook up after school?
Shit. I can't ever say no to him.
To Aiden: Sure, take me home with you?
Aiden: You got it, sexy:)
I'll just tell Mam I'm going with Cami after school to do homework.

I walk downstairs and see Mam eating Kim's face off. I cough loudly. Those 2 are wild. They're at it every second of the day. Mam's face shots up.
"Hey baby, let's go. I made you some breakfast"
I grab my backpack and Kim kisses me on the cheek.
"Have a good day Char"
"Thanks" I just smile and walk outside.
We drive in silence and Mam pulls up in front of the school. She kisses all over my face and pulls me into a warm cuddle. I breathe in her motherly scent that was so uniquely Mam. That alone could calm me like nothing else.
"I love you tons, Charlotte Marie"
"I love you tons more, Mammy"
She smiled at me calling her Mammy. She always loved that. I kissed her cheek and ran out of the car.
I sat down in my first class and waited for my best friend Cami to come in. Cami plopped down next to me and took out her stuff.
"This sucks"
"I know... only thing getting me through the day is I'm hanging with Aiden after school."
Cami smiled at me
"Ohhhhhh my little Char is growing up" she purrs her lips at me and I nudged her arm playfully.
"Oh shut up."
Mrs. Thompson came in and started the lesson. I found myself dozing off. School was not for me. The rest of the day slowly dragged on. The only thing making me stay in school was seeing Aiden after. I'm not sure how he actually felt about me but, I really liked him.
I ran out to Aiden's car and shot my Mam a quick text.
To Mammy💓😘: I'm heading to Cami's to do some homework. Not sure when I'll be home, before 10 though. I love you.
Mammy💓😘: Okay, my love. Be careful and text us when you're on your way home. I'll be waiting for some cuddles ☺️. I love you tons, Char.
Mam bought it. She always does. I've been sneaking around with Aiden for a month now. Mam definitely still thinks I'm her innocent baby girl, that is something I am not.
"Ready Char?"
"Yeah let's head back to yours."
We drove jamming out to Aiden's playlist with his hand on my thigh the whole time. We walked in Aiden's front door. His parents were very wealthy and always at work. We ran up to his room. He began his assault on me. Putting his lips anywhere they could touch.
"God Aiden" I couldn't hold back my moans. He threw himself on top of me and rid me of my shirt. I did the same to him. He sucked down on my nipples, turning me on more than I thought someone could.
"Please Aiden now"
"Patience darling" he smirked at me and began to kiss his way down my stomach. He pulled my jeans off and kissed around where my lacy underwear was. I put my hands down his pants and felt his incredibly hard dick. He ripped my underwear off and dug his face into my soaking wet centre.
"Holy f-fuck"
I lost myself under his touch. He ripped his boxers off and brought himself up to my centre. I was begging for his entrance.
"Please Aiden now"
He stuck himself into me and I moaned out in pleasure.
"Faster babe, faster"
He pumped himself inside of me vigorously and I could feel I was close. He sucked down on my neck and I couldn't help but cry out.
"Fuck I-I'm gonna c-cum"
He pulled out of me and sucked down on my clit sending me into a fury. I came so hard as I screamed out his name. He finished himself on my stomach and got some tissue to clean us up. He plopped down next to me and sighed.
"That was... wow Char"
"That good huh?"
"You're the best I've ever had" I don't know why this made my cheeks go red.
I got up to go to the bathroom and looked at my neck. I was covered in hickeys and not the ones you could easily cover up. They were dark shades of purple and red. Well this is not going to go over well.
"Yeah babe coming"
I ran out of the bathroom and covered my modesty with the sheet as I jumped back into bed.
"Why don't you come out with me tonight? I can drop you back off at home after?"
I didn't have to think twice.
"I'd love to!!! Where are we going?"
"My buddy James is having a party. He said to come with a plus one."
It made me feel great that Aiden asked me to join him as his plus one.
"Okay let's get ready"
I threw my jeans back on and took my makeup bag out of my backpack. I fixed my makeup and looked in the mirror. I looked good.
"Aiden? I'm ready."
"Okay gorgeous, lets get going"
We walked out to his car and got in. We arrived shortly after. As soon as I walked in James handed me a red cup with god only knows what in it. I slammed it back and knew I was going to get really drunk tonight.
I felt hands around my waist and someone suck down on my neck. I turned around and saw Aiden.
"Those love bites are sexy as fuck"
"You're sexy as fuck"
We made out like a bunch of love sick teenagers and I was quietly hoping that's what we were. I checked my phone to see it was already 9. I told Mam I'd be home by 10. There's no way that's happening. Aiden came back with some shots for us. I downed 4 and was already drunk. He was also pretty tipsy. Then I remembered, he drove. There's no way he can drive me home. So I called Cami and asked her to come pick me up and bring me back to my house. She of course said yes and was on her way.
"Hey, I'm gonna get going. I'll see you Monday."
I kissed him on the cheek and he gave my bum a squeeze. He really made me smile. I stumbled out to Cami's car and climbed in.
"Jesus Christ Char, you reek."
"Just take me home Cam"
We drove the rest of the way in silence. I leaned over the counsel and kissed her cheek.
"Thanks for getting me babe, I owe you one."
"Anytime, be safe and text me later. Love you silly"
I screamed love you back and made my way up to the front door. I put my key into the door and was clearly too drunk to get it open. Just before I could pull the key out, the door swung open and Kimberley was standing in front of me with a look of disappointment on her face.
"W-Where's Mam?"
"Went out with Lily, some kind of work meeting and they went out for some drinks"
"Oh ok, well thanks for opening the door"
I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and went right into the bathroom to shower.
Kimberley's POV
I couldn't help but notice that Charlie reeks of booze and has love bites all over her neck. I know she's not the innocent teenager that Cheryl thinks she is. I love Cheryl with my whole heart and I love Charlie also. I wish Charlie would let me in. I know she feels like I'm invading her space, but I want nothing but the best for that little girl. I feel like she's my daughter too, even though she's yet to acknowledge that. I don't think I'll tell Cheryl about the hickeys. I'll let her find that out for herself. But I had to tell her she was drinking. Cheryl is incredibly sensitive when it comes to drinking. She's lost too many people to alcoholism. I looked at the clock and it said 11:05. Chez should be back home soon.

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