Baby Don't Cry EXO (Lay X Mermaid Reader) COMPLETE

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It's been a year already. I hope you are living well in the ocean.

Every evening during the sunset, I will always come to the beach. Sometime with my group member but mostly myself alone. The waves crashing by the nearby rocks remind me of your long beautiful wavy hair and your white shiny fish tail of yours. Yes, you are a mermaid and one of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my whole live and it's hard for me to forget.

I remember the time we first meet; I was with my other 11 member after we did our dance practice called 'Growl'... Yes, my name is Lay from EXO member. It was been a week after we had finish doing our performance and became a big hit... but somehow, there is one particular song which didn't seems to be as popular as the others. Somehow, it was lack of something and I didn't know what it was.

I went to the beach alone to take a break; maybe it will give me some improvement idea to our song. It was a cold night especially near the beach when the cool breeze hit my face which was refreshing and cooling. And that was when I heard your cried. It was a painful cry and yet so sweet to hear it. I followed your cry until I came to this small corner of the beach cave where no one know this place exist, there, I found you with your silver shiny hair shining brightly under the moonlight.

The beauty of you charmed me and yet felt sad to see you crying, I want to went nearer to you and comfort you, but better don't as I knew you will swim away if I approached you. I watched you from afar, observing you slowly and carefully, realized that your beautiful silver tail was trapped in a dirty old fishing net; trying to remove it but it hurts you every time you try to pull it and your tears dropped every time you felt the pain.

I couldn't watch it anymore as if like you are my girlfriend was in trouble and needs my help. I walked towards you automatically and want to help you to get out of that net. You sensed me approaching you and you were scared as it was your first time seen a human coming close to you. Your tears nonstop coming out from your beautiful eyes, feeling tired, pain and scared... you want to escape but you couldn't move an inch.

I slowly walked to you, bent down and slowly, I took out a small knife in my pocket. You were terrified as you saw me with a knife in my hand, using your both hand to defend yourself from getting hurt and then you realized that I was cutting the fishing net. You were watching me carefully and also be caution, while I didn't make a single word and kept on cutting the net. Throwing it aside and took out my handkerchief, tear it into half and bandage the wound you had made.

"Still hurt?" My first word questions you, just to make sure. You seem to know my language so you nodded your head as an answer. I smiled at your answer; you flinched as my hand gets closer to you and wiped away your tears. "Don't cry anymore ok? I'll come tomorrow again to see you." After saying this, I stood up and walked away without turning back and went back to the dorm where all my members were waiting for me, asking me question of where did I go just now. All I could do was to remain silent and smiled all the way.

The next day I came back to the same place bringing my proper medical equipment with me to see you and yes, you were here. This time, you stayed calm as you allowed me to take care of your wound. "What's your name?" you spoke as your beautiful voice tinkling to my ears.

I smiled and replied, "You can call me Lay, that's what my member mostly call me. You?"

"[Name] ... Th-Thank you for saving me... Lay." The way she called my name, struck to my heart hard, trying to control my feeling to prevent my face from blushing.

From there that's how we became friends and even set the place as our meeting point. Your wound healed fast and able to swim back to the ocean, but you always come back and see me and same thing, I also come back to see you whenever I have the time. Telling each other stories, sharing the day we had done and even playing in the ocean with your other fish friend, it was the best moment and I felt good and relaxing when I spent my time with you.

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