Chapter 1: The Shire

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The Shire, a quiet place, a peaceful place. The hometown of the hobbits. Hobbits are an interesting folk. They are no more than 4 feet tall, and they prefer to keep to themselves, never venturing outside of the Shire. There are fat hobbits, and skinny hobbits, funny hobbits, and smart hobbits, but there are two hobbits in particular that are the most interesting. Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, of Bag End. These two have a very different story from all other hobbits. It all started with a company of dwarfs, and a wizard.

When Bilbo Baggins was approached by Gandalf the Grey, a mighty wizard, he was asked to help on the quest of a group of dwarfs. The quest? To slay a dragon, and take back the dwarf's home mountain. It was a long and treacherous story that can be told another time. All you need to know, is that Bilbo found something on that journey, something that would change the lives of himself, and Frodo forever.

 Frodo's POV

I walked out of my bedroom, and into the kitchen. I was so excited, today was a big day! It was Bilbo's 111th birthday!! I grabbed an apple and continued down the hall, I glanced into Bilbo's study, he was hard at work as usual. I smiled and walked into the study. The ground was covered in old maps, and memorabilia from his adventures. I walked over to an open chest and lift out a helmet. I could never imagine Bilbo wearing such a thing, and gently placed it back into the chest.

"I'm off Uncle," I said, picking up my book and walking towards the door.

"Where are you off to?" Bilbo asked.

"Southfarthing Woods, I am going to surprise him."

"Oh all right. Off you go."

I skipped out the door, anxious to get there before he does. I arrived in the woods 20 minutes later, and sat down behind a tree, opening my book. It isn't long before I hear a gruff voice, singing. I close my book and jump to my feet.

"You're late." I say, coming out from behind the tree.

The carriage stops, "A wizard is never late Frodo Baggins. He arrives precisely when he means to." We look at each other for a moment, and then we begin to laugh. We laugh so long, that tears begin to form in my eyes. I wipe them away as I jump on to the carriage.

"It's wonderful to see you Gandalf!"

"Oh, young Frodo, you didn't think that I would miss Bilbo's birthday did you? So how is the old man? I hear his party is going to be something special."

"Well you know Bilbo, he has to make sure everyone knows about it. Half the Shire has been invited, and the rest of them are turning up anyway." I laugh.

"To tell you the truth, Bilbo has been acting a bit odd lately. He spends hours in his study, pouring over old maps, and muttering to himself, when he thinks I'm not looking. I think he is up to something."

I hear Gandalf grumble next to me. "Alright, keep your secrets." I say. He looks at me increduously. "Before you came along, we Baggins never did anything unexpected."

"If you are referring to the incident with the dragon, all I did was give your uncle a little nudge out the door."

"Well, whatever you did, you have been officially labeled a disturber of the peace."

All of the sudden we hear the voices of children. "Gandalf, Gandalf!" they cry. We keep riding along, passing the children who's smiles begin to fade. There is a loud popping noise, and fireworks shoot out of the back of the carriage. The kids cheer happily, and run around, chasing the sparks. I look over at Gandalf who is laughing happily.

I stand up as Bag End comes into view. "Gandalf, I'm glad your here."

"So am I dear Frodo," he says as I jump down from the carriage. I turn and wave at Gandalf as I make my way into the trees. I smile, it really is awesome to have Gandalf back. I turn around again, just in time to see Bilbo leading Gandalf into the house. It is going to be a fun night.

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