Chapter 9 | Fight With Zabuza and A New Ally

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Hm, so I am starting to plan my story a bit ahead of time before I actually type it out on here. So I don't go AWOL. 

Aand I'll have you know that it will still go AWOL because I am literally getting distracted every five seconds. I hope you enjoy that.

Now then, as far as I know the votes haven't changed much, mostly because my little story isn't known very much. So I won't put the vote count yet, maybe after a few more chapters. 

Other than that.. I got nothing! Story time! 


Naruto Third POV 

'Now I wonder if I could just simply kill him now without a problem, though it would be cheating.' Naruto thought to himself, a flash of amusement going across his eyes. 'In a battle cheating is your biggest weapon, Kit.' Kurama growled, 'You'd be stupid to think otherwise.' Mentally chuckling, Naruto answered back. 'Of course it is, but I mustn't rely on that technique, at some point a weakness will be found.' 

The giant chakra beast hummed, then grinned as he got an idea. 'When you get the chance go somewhere private and talk to me.' Kurama ordered, feeling a small bit of anticipation. 'Yes, Sir All Powerful Kurama-Sama.''Brat.' 

"Well, if we fail, we'll only die." Naruto blinked back into reality, not even bothering to hold back a snicker, though it was more of a giggle. "How can you be so carefree?!" Sakura snapped at the Jounin. "If you think about it, not a single one of us here is significant in this world, so he has a point." Naruto said, tilting his head in the direction Zabuza was at, unbeknownst to the others. 

"Correct, Brat." Zabuza spoke, though his voice sounded echoed. "Eight points." 

"Huh? What?" Sakura asked, her face screwing up in confusion. 

"The Larynx, the Spine, the Lungs, the Liver... The Jugular and Subclavian veins. The Kidneys, the Heart. Now then, which vulnerable spot would be good?" Humming thoughtfully for a second Naruto piped up a reply, "I would say the Jugular and the Spine, although the Spine would be better if you're a sadistic person, you get to hear that sickening crack as it's snapped or broken." 

"Heheh, I like you brat." Zabuza cackled, "Thanks Moomoochi!" Naruto turned his head towards Zabuza's direction, giving a small grin. "Oh you're good, for a brat." 

Naruto hummed again, turning around just in time to see Zabuza in the middle of their group. And a second later Kakashi joined him with a kunai in hand. 

"Hey Sasuke," Naruto 'whispered' as he went beside his brother. "Hn?" The blonde pointed at Zabuza and Kakashi, "We are currently observing two ninja in their natural habitat, Alphas battling over their common prey and calling threats to agitate the other." Sasuke blinked before looking away as to stop himself from bursting out laughing, Naruto had a completely serious face on. 

"Don't look away, you will miss their trademark Jutsu comparing, sizing each other up and preparing for the gruesome part of their fight." Naruto forcefully made Sasuke look at the two ninja, still keeping a serious face. 

Because he wasn't being subtle about his words the two said ninja were getting irritated. "And there they go, exchanging another trademark move the weaponry combat-" "Naruto could you kindly shut up?" Kakashi said, giving a mild glare in the blonde's direction, although he was also internally laughing. 

"The Alpha Wolf gives a warning growl to an outside influence, as the Alpha Cow goes in for a cheating strike." Now Sasuke couldn't help it, Kakashi's look of surprise broke him, he leaned on Naruto as he laughed quietly. 

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