What is this about and how to enter?

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This contest is to try and help many people with publicity. To help get your book out there, a step closer.

How to enter -

1. Follow my profile and your judge.

2. Add this competition book to your reading list.

3. Fill out this form -

Mature content/not:
Tags: (At least five people) 
And favorite quote:

(Drop it into the comment section into your genre chapter)

4. Please don't answer anyone else's comment, as I will be doing that to say whether your entry has been accepted.

5. Please be civil and no mean comments♥



There are no special requirements except that your book has to have at least three or more chapters.

When will the contest begin-

Deadline to enter is 30 April. All results to be posted on 15 June. So from now you all have time to enter. 

How will it be judged?

There will be a maximum of EIGHT books per genre.

.Cover (presentation which includes summary and title) [5]
.Plot line [5]
.Character development [5]
.Writing skills, if you're able to catch a reader's attention [5]

It will be graded out of 20.

Each book will have a review posted, with positive feedback if needed.

PS, those who entered before don't have to enter again

Please do spread the word♥

Enjoy. Vote. Comment. Ellipsis167

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