Taegi Babies

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It was a quiet day at the dorm. All the bts members where doing their own things.

Jin was bored and decided to make a apple pie for his members "Taehyung come with me to the store." He called from the kitchen to the younger.

"Why me take Jimin hyung or Jungkook." Replied Taehyung from the living room couch.

"Because Jimin can't hold the grocery bags for too long with his small hands and Jungkook is playing video games and you know how he gets when you interrupt him in the middle of a fight." Said Jin while grabbing his house keys.

With a loud sigh Tae got up and put on his shoes following behind his hyung. The store was not too far so they would be walking.

Tae helped Jin get all the ingredients for the pie and decided to wait outside the store while Jin paid. He was leaning against the wall of the store and turned around just in time to see an elderly woman struggling with her cart that got stuck on a crack on the cement on the other side of the stores parking lot. He ran to go help with her cart and even helped her put the groceries in her car.

"Thank you so much young man what's your name?" Asked the elder woman in awe.

"My name's Kim Taehyung ma'am."

"Kim Taehyung here, here have this it will make you look, act and feel, oh, so young. Here take it." Said the elderly woman holding out a blue bottle.

"Aw thank you so much but I can't take this. I was just doing what anyone in my place would do." He bowed showing his respect.

"Oh no not everyone helps an old lady like me. Please I insist take it." She said while holding out the bottle to him.

He was about to decline again but he heard Jin calling out to him. "If you insist I'll take it thank you so much have a great day. Goodbye ma'am" He bowed one last time putting the bottle in his coat's large pocket and running off to help his hyung with the bags in his hands.

Tae helped Jin make the pie. They where about to taste it but stopped when they heard groaning and whimpering noises behind them. It was Yoongi. "What's wrong Yoongi?" Asked Jin while walking in Yoongi's directions towards the living room.

Tae stayed in the kitchen putting his hands in his jacket pockets when he felt a odd object in it. He pulled out the blue bottle that he had forgotten he had. He decided to read the ingredients but then realized that the bottle had no labels. He opened the bottle to smell it when a groaning noise coming from Yoongi startled him making him spill the blue liquid on top of the pie.

"You'll be okay Yoongi just go lay down for a bit and if it doesn't get better I'll give you medicine." Jin told Yoongi. Jin was coming back into the kitchen and Tae was freaking out. He didn't want his hyung to get mad at him for ruining the pie and all his hard work. He looked at the pie and noticed that the blue from the liquid had been observed into the pie and the color was gone like it never even happened.

"Okay let's taste the pie now-"

"No wait!" Shouted Taehyung.

"What? Do you want to try it first? " Asked Jin looking at him.

"N-no it fine you taste it hyung." Taehyung didn't want to upset him hyung so he just looked at his hyung's facial expression extremely close.

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