Chapter 6

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Why would they kill me?!? Who would kill me!?! " But it's okay!" He said smiling. " What do you mean it's okay!?! They are trying to kill us!!!!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. " They're in the wrong area. As long as they don't find out where we are, we're safe." He said. How is he so calm about this???? "Okay.....but one question though.." I said suspiciously. "Ask away." He said. "How did you find me? I've been living by myself for 6 years, and no one has noticed me..." I say. "Well,ever since we got separated I've been looking for you." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "What do you mean separated...?" I asked. He sat down and motioned for me to sit down too. "Okay, so, do you remember our parents??" " Not" "Well they were the alpha and luna of the Blood Light pack. When we were outside playing father got a message from one of the pack warriors saying that we were under attack. We wandered off too far and got lost. When mother was looking for us she ran into the some of the wolves that we're attacking us. There were way too many of them....but they didn't care. So they killed her anyway. I ran to go help her but I was too late, she was already dead. I forgot that you were with me and tried looking for the pack house. When I found it I found father laying on the ground bleeding. He was in too much pain to move. When mom died it killed him,literally, so his last words were to keep you safe, but I couldn't find you. That's when i looked for someone we were related to. I found our aunt and lived there. Everyone tried looking for you but after weeks of searching they gave up and thought you were dead." I sighed. I couldn't believe what I just heard. "So....we had parents? And a pack?" I asked. " Yeah...did you not hear what I just said?" I rolled my eyes. "Wait,but what happened to the rest of the pack??" I asked. "They all died in the fight." "Do you know what pack killed them?" I asked. He nodded and stood up. "Well???" ".....the Star Mountain pack..... Come on, we need to go." He walked over to what I guess was his car. I got in and leaned my head on the window. "What's up?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "I can tell when your thinking about something or when something is wrong." He said while looking at the road. " you know the alpha of that pack?" "Yes....." "Well.....he's my....mate...." I said cautiously. I slowly looked over to him and say a vain on the side of his head and him shaking. He took a shaky breath and I guess it calmed him down a little. ".......wheres his house....." He asked. "Why?" "I am only going to ask you this one last time.......where,is,his,house.....?" He asked slowly. "Um....just take a right here." He sped up and took a sharp right. I gripped the edge of my seat trying not to fly out the window. We stopped right I front of his house. "Stay here....I don't want you to do anything stupid...." I said and got out and went to knock on the front door. A few seconds later a middle aged woman opened the door. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Yeah um I'm looking for Blake. Me and my brother would like to speak with him." I said hoping he was there. "Oh no, sorry but he went over to someone else's house. I think he said Melody or something." She said. Crap!! "Okay thank you." I got back in the car and sank in my seat. "Well??" He asked impatiently. "Um...we have to go to my house." I said quietly. "Why?" "He...may or may not be there...." I said. He didn't say anything and sped off again. When we got there Aiden was the first one to get out and open the door. I quickly got out and stood behind him. "Like I said, don't do anything stupid okay???" I asked. "Only if he doesn't do anything first." He said looking around. I walked I front of him and started to look for Blake. "Blake?? Blake!!" I yelled. A minute later he came downstairs. "What's up?" He asked. Then a growl came from behind me. I turned around to find Aiden with his fists balled up. " GET THE HELL AWAY FEOM HER YOU ASSHOLE!!!" He yelled in an.....alpha tone!?? "You're an alpha??" I asked shocked. Then I was pushed behind him. Then another growl came from Blake. "Who do you think you are speaking to me like that?!?!" He asked trying not to get too angry. "I'm her brother! And the little boy you fought 6 years ago.....that was me!! Your pack killed out parents!!!" He yelled. "How do you know it was my pack?!?" He asked. "I could tell by your scent. And my father knew you would attack! But I was too late to help! Why the hell would you attack a pack that has done nothing to you?!??" He asked. "How am I supposed to know?!?? All my father told me was to attack anything in my way!!" He yelled. "So he just told you to kill everyone...?" I asked "I didn't know what the hell was going on...and he told me that your pack was the one who he hated." He said a little more calmer. "Why the fuck would he hate us??? We've done nothing to him!" Aiden yelled. "Like I said before, I didn't know!!!" Blake yelled back. "STOP YELLING AND SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!" I yelled trying to be as commanding as I could. They both froze and stared at me. Good, now that I got their attention, let's get things straight without the yelling.....

I know I know I'm late!! But, at least I updated! And SORRY ITS SO LATE!!!! Vote, comment, and follow!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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