When Forever is Just a Word

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I love Twilight. No I'm not talking about the Twilight zone movie and not even the Twilight itself. I am talking about Twilight movies - Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn. Oh not really because I fantasize on a sexy vampire who can save me from a derailed truck or car or someone with superhuman speed. I just love the idea of vampires and forever. That's why I also love Severus Snape. It killed me inside when Dumbledore asked him, "After all these time?" after he saw that Snape's patronus is a doe just like Lily's and Severus answered, "Always."

Forever. Always. These two words can turn my heart to a liquid and back to a solid rock in a snap. I love the idea of forever and always. I know that people expires but still even if the term forever in a mortal's world means "as long as I live" it still matters  a lot.

People always say those two words but never had the courage to believe them. They say it to other people after telling them to someone else. That's what fears me everytime someone tells me that they will always be there.

People lie. Even the closest person in your life lies. No one really tells the truth. Why can't they say that my visit is okay but staying is not an option? They said that they will always help but they don't. They laugh behind my back. They make sarcastic comments behind my back. They laugh at my misery.

I just wish that I can still run away. Very far and I won't come back anymore. Or to not wake up anymore or be in an accident that will cost just my life. I just want everything to end.

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