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I went to Ariel's dorm to pick her up. She stepped out. She looked beautiful. Stunning.
"You look amazing." I said.
"Why thank you." Ariel said.
"Yo Eric what's hanging?" Anna asked.
"Just picking up my beautiful girl." I said.
"Who is also smart, brave, and very nice." Anna said.
"And kind and who loves nature. Like me." I said.
"Good boy. Kristoff coming?"
"Yeah soon. Come on love." I said.
Ariel followed me as we walked to the dance.

The dance
"Hello beautiful." Jack said
"Hi Jack." I said.
"Care to dance?"
"I will." I said. We danced together. Merida's lessons had paid off, I was actually a good dancer. And Jack was too.
"So why me?" I asked.
"Because you look so beautiful and you seem to be like me. You haven't got all your puzzle pieces together." Jack said.
"Jack?" I asked.
"What is it?" Jack asked.
"I'm dangerous. I lock myself away. I hate myself."
"But you're amazing. And I'll tell you a secret. I'm dangerous too."

"Can I just say Kristoff you are very handsome." I said.
"Are you looking at Hans and Vanessa?" Kristoff asked.
"No." I said. "I'm looking at you. Are they falling in love? They sure do look like it. They belong together. I ship it." I said.
"Anna I'm falling in love with you."

"Rapsunzel. I mean. You look um great." I said.
"Do you dance?" Rapunzel asked.
"Only with you."

"Why does everyone look so happy? And I'm single. I love the sea." Moana said.
"You'll find someone, Moana, the right guy is just around the corner." I saod.
"Guy? I think you mean girl." Moana said.
"What?" I asked.
"The sea is often described as a girl. I'm a girl. I love the sea. So I love girls."
"Me too."

Well that was a lot of words. More updates cause Christmas is over! Yay! Get ready for more shipping!

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