Short suff

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"Hey short stuff." My older brother said out the open window of his car as he pulled up. "Hey dummy. What's up?" I said mockingly as I got in the passenger seat.
He chuckled under his breath, as I closed the door. "How was your day?" A casual question he usually asked when he picked me up. "Oh you know the usual, couple of girls told me to tell you their undying love for you!" I said dramatically.
A smile spread across his face hearing that. "It's cuz they know what really men look like." He said with a goofy grin on his face pushing his hair back. "You know you don't have to pick me up right? I can just walk over to the field." I told him as we came to a stop at the football field. "Yeah but you know that Max and Drue would kill you, me and anyone that decided to take you for a joy ride." He said a bit to calmly, and a smile that didn't quite meet his eyes.
Of my three older brothers, Josh was the one I had the closest relationship with. He also just so happens to be the most popular of the four of us,manly with the ladies. Josh got the looks from our dad, Drue got the brains from our mom, Max got all the athleticism from our dad. Then I got all the arts, my brothers say I got a little of all of it but I don't see it.
"Dose coach Pain need any help?" I asked as we got out of Josh's car. "As always he dose. getting water, towels, moving equipment, probably something else like always." He said jokingly. All of my brothers were in a sport, I just get to tag along and help with stuff. Which can be fun. Sometimes. Max is the star captain of our football team and graduating this year, Drue's in ROTC, and josh is our track star.
We rounded the corner that lead out to the field. "What's up little rabbit." A sly curling voice called from the side of the field.
Ugh you. Mason fetch.

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