Ugh you

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"What's up little rabbit?" Mason called.
"Nothing so go stuff your head up your ass." I said sharply turning away. "Leave her alone fetch. Get to practice." Max said striding over to where we where standing, giving mason a sharp look.

He chuckled walking away, and gave me a wicked grin. I rolled my eyes, he always did this. "I don't understand how your friends with that jerk." I turn to Max frowning. "He may not act like it but he's a good guy. he works harder then any one, and he's been my best friend since we were kids." Max told me, same reasons as the last hundred times he told me.

"Yeah yeah we know, I got to get going to track practice and you do to." Josh said, knowing an argument was coming on. "Yeah. You're right." Max said and walked away briskly. Josh pated me on my head and gave me a gentle smile, then walked off to the track and his friends.

"Is that the best helper ever I see." A coach's voice came from behind me. My face lit up as I turned to see coach pain. "The one and only, at your service sir." I straight my back and raised my chin up slightly. "I hope you're ready to do a lot of running and pushing things today." He said slightly rolling his eyes.
"I am. What do you need done first?"

(Oof, I suck at this. Oh well Idc. Coach pain is supposed to be one of those fun coaches with you but can be the meanest person you know. I hope you're enjoying this, I will do my best to update as often as I can. Love all my bro sickles and fam squad.😘)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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