part four

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2 days later.......

Emma's P.O.V.: I was walking through the same forest that Kane and Sami and I got lost in. Suddenly I heard a crack of a stick. "Who's there!?" I yelled frightened. "Tisk tisk. Naughty girl. You were supposed to be the only one through that vortex. Yet you bring 2 others. Naughty naughty." A mysterious voice said. "WHAT!? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!! WHERE AM I AND WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS!!!!???" I yelled ferociously at the voice. "Oh, well there right here of course!!" The voice said as I saw Sami and Kane lying on the ground unconscious. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!?" I yelled with tears in my eyes. "NOTHING!!!! You did it to them not me!!!!" The voice said. "Why would I EVER hurt my friends!?" I yelled as I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks. "You'll see soon enough. You'll see....." then the voice faded away. I woke up screaming and sweating. "What's wrong!? Emma your awake I'm so glad!!!!" Kane said hugging me. "It was just a nightmare Kane don't worry. And where are we?" I asked looking around me in confusion. "Oh yeah, were at the DWMA. Maka and Soul are going to let us stay with them until we figure out how to go back." Kane said with a smile. "Wait.... so your telling me that were IN the anime soul eater?" I asked with big open wide eyes. "EXACLY!!!!" Kane said laughing. "Well I'm gonna go ask Stein if I can take you home." Kane said as he walked to the door. "I'll be right back!" He said as he left. "Ok bye...." I said waving bye to him. I can't believe I'm in soul eater. Wait...where's Sami? I thought. * yawns * "man I'm tired. I think I'll just test my eyes a little more till Kane gets back." I said closing my eyes. Suddenly I heard screaming.....

What was the screaming?

Does Emma get to go home from the hospital?


Note: sorry guys this was short! I'm just really tired from school!!!! Well I hope you guys like arbor day tomorrow. Next part will be longer!!!

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