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Katsuki's day ended up being long and miserable. He held in the coughing all day, while still trying to maintain his demeaning aura. Nobody noticed. What they did notice though was Izuku's absence and that his bag was still next to his desk. "Ha the nerd finally did it!" The class joked all day. Katsuki couldn't laugh along. He knew the truth. "Shut the hell up, that's not funny." He said when he'd had enough. "Why? Can't you take a joke, Bakugou?" said one brave soul. Katsuki looked over to him with a blood thirsty glare and mini explosions coming from his hands. It wasn't much, but enough to terrify the shit outta the kid.

     At the end of the day, Katsuki picked up Izuku's bag and took it to the hospital. He knew he also needed to visit Izuku when nobody else was around. "I'm here to visit a patient named Izuku Midoriya." he said as he neared the check in desk. The receptionist called over a doctor who then led him to Izuku's room. He was alone with him finally. That's all he wanted, whether he was conscious or not. He needed the comfort of his presence to cope with what he was dealing with. "I'm sorry Deku." Katsuki said.

     Little did Katsuki know, Izuku was fully awake. He could hear and feel everything. He just couldn't move. It was like being in a sleep paralysis that seemed like it would never end. He wanted to yell to his friend "Hey I'm awake and it's not your fault so don't beat yourself up!", but he couldn't. He wanted to hug him and tell him that everything was okay, but he was trapped. He hated it.

Katsuki couldn't hold back the coughing any longer. He ran over to the rubbish bin and coughed up about half of a bloodied rose and a bud before turning to Izuku smiling weakly. "Dammit, Deku," he said in between coughs, "why do you do this to me?"

He recollected himself after coughing up a whole rose and a handful of petals. Before leaving, he swept Izuku's hair to the side and gave him a little kiss on his forehead. "I fucking love you, shitty nerd." He whispered quietly.

     On the way out, he passed by Inko. He still felt absolutely terrible about what he did, and couldn't look her in the eyes. "I dropped off his bag." Katsuki said quickly, trying to hide the weakness in his voice. Inko smiled softly, "Thank you Katsuki..!"

     The next day went almost the same. His peers joked about Izuku attempting suicide, he threatened to kill all of them, and the flowers and blood threatened to spill during the day. Though, to his surprise, when he went to visit Izuku in the evening, he was wide awake.

     Izuku was sitting up in the bed. He looked up from his lap at the boy, coming back down to earth after spacing out for god knows how long. "Kacchan-!" he said excitedly before being cut off by the boy. Katsuki dropped everything and rushed over to his bed. He wrapped his arms gently around the frail boy, tears and roses threatening to escape his body. "I'm fucking sorry, Deku..." Katsuki said, tears starting to slip out of his eyes.

     Izuku opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Katsuki accidentally let the flowers slip. Katsuki let go to cover his mouth. He didn't want Izuku know. Izuku's eyes widened, even though he knew what it was and the cause, he knew to act like he didn't for the sake of his friend's dignity. "K-Kachan..! Are you okay?!" he said, trying to get up to comfort Katsuki whether he was physically capable or not. Katsuki quickly hid the petals in his clenched fist and wiped the blood from his mouth. "I'm fine.... it's nothing." he said in between breaths, "And don't fucking move, dumbass. You'll hurt yourself." Izuku was actually shocked though that Katsuki was more worried about him than saying something like 'Don't tell anyone I cried or I'll kill you'. "I gotta go, dumbass.... I'll see you tomorrow." Katsuki said, walking out the door. Izuku waved goodbye nervously. That was quick Izuku thought to himself as he did so.

Izuku was released from the hospital the next day and returned to school the day after. Naturally, the other kids were total assholes to him the second he walked into the school. Katsuki though, wasn't going to put up with that. Every time a snarky remark was made, he snapped back very aggressively. Soon enough, they learned to just leave the duo alone out of fear of what Katsuki was capable of doing. Finally, Izuku found peace outside of his bedroom.

Sorry, Nerd (Hanahaki! Bakugou x Depressed! Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now