Just A Dream

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Images swirled in the young child's mind as she tossed and turned in her bed. She clutched the edge of her snail in her hands as her body shuddered in fright. A whimper broke out and echoed in the small bedroom as the images flashed in her mind. For the past three days, Emi would be sleeping in her bedroom on the Baratie and have this reoccurring dream.

Emi stood on a blackened earth and looked around, purple eyes wide. There were trees around, but they were stretched and broken into terrifying shapes. The bark was black and dead, stretched over scarred trunks. Emi grasped the edge of her pyjama top, shaking in fear as unknown voices howled and wailed.

"P...papa" she whimpered as the unknown voices continued their wailing.

She took a hesitant shaky step forward and stopped when the ground began to shake. A gnarled hand burst up from the ground and Emi let out a scream as she fell back. The hand slammed down on the ground, and its fingers grasped around until they landed on the blackened ground. Emi scrambled back in fear as the cracked and long fingernails dug into the ground, causing deep gauges in the ground. The hand lifted itself up and Emi scrambled to her feet. She turned and ran as fast as her little legs could move, hoping to get away from the giant hand. A shadow loomed over her, and Emi looked back to see the hand coming down on her again. She tried to push her legs to go faster as the hand came closer and closer to smushing her.

"Papa! Jii-jii!" Emi screamed as she continued running, her lungs and legs burning.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as fear continued pumping through her six year old body. A rumble sounded and the ground shook violently, causing Emi to trip and fall on her knees. She looked up in fear just as the hand came down on her with a mighty roar.

Emi's eyes popped open as her ears rang with a loud scream. Emi closed her mouth as she realized she had been the one screaming. She blinked and looked around, her entire body shaking from fear. This dream always felt so real. Emi took a shuddering breath and buried her face in her pillow, her snail clutched tightly against her. This dream was the scariest she ever had, and she just wanted it to stop. Through the bedroom door, she could hear pots and pans clanging and chefs yelling.

A knock on the door caused her to curl her knees to her chest.

"Emi? Is everything okay?" she heard Carne say as he opened the door.

"Go away" she mumbled through the pillow fabric.

"Emi come on, it's time for breakfast-" Carne started, but Emi threw her snail at the chef.

"Go away!" she screamed and buried her head further into the pillow.

Her body shook with fear as parts of the dream lingered in her mind. She wanted to curl up and never leave her bed again. Her stomach did need food, and let out a terrible growl. Sighing she slowly got out of bed and dragged her feet to the door. Carne had left it open after running from the snail missile, and she grumbled while walking through it. Rubbing one eye, she made her way to the kitchen and pushed her way inside. It felt like a dark cloud was over her head, and Emi grabbed a slice of bread with a scowl.

"Emi, that's not for you; that's for the customers" Patty said, and Emi felt her temper rise.

"I don't care" she pouted, and a shadow loomed over her.

She glanced up with a deep pout and saw Zeff towering over her.

The older man crossed his arms and stared down at the six year old. Emi glared back, bread clutched in one hand.

"Emi, put that bread down" he rumbled, and Emi pouted.

"No" she said, crossing her arms.


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