At Home

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     Lucas's P.O.V.

   I closed my eyes as I sighed. What an exciting, 14 years...I guess...But, it definitely has gotten better. With Elijah? Oh, fuck. I don't feel depressed anymore...I love him more than I've ever loved anything in my entire, short life. What happened in my short life...? Well...


I gasped as I looked around my room and held my Mommy's hand. "Mommy! My room is so pretty now!~" I grinned widely. She had painted my room. My room was now filled with beautiful, bright colors that I loved so much. There was the sun where my bed was...Why did she do that? "Mommy?" I looked up at my mom. "Yes, sweetie?" She smiled as she looked down at me. "Why is the snuset at my bed..?" She covered her mouth as she laughed a bit. "Sweet Lucas, baby, it's pronounced 'sunset'. But, I put it there, because you're my bright, adorable little sunshine." She squatted down and lightly pinched my cheek. I giggled as I placed my hands on her wrist. "M-mommyyy..! Nooooo!" I slowly stopped giggling as she let go of my cheek. "So, does my baby like his room?" She asked. I nodded rapidly. "Very much!~ Thank you, Mommy!~" She smiled, then kissed my cheek. "You're welcome, baby. Now, go outside and play with Amber while I go make din-din." She kissed my forehead, then walked out of my room. I nodded, then grabbed Mr. Bear and Mr. Fox, my two best friends. I then put my sneakers on, then ran down the stairs, then outside. Amber was playing tennis with David and Catherine. I looked around, then sat on the bench Daddy built. I looked down at my feet as I pouted and held my best friends tighter. Why can't I have any friends..?

Ike started walking over to me. Ike was our neighbor. He's 5 years old, 2 years older than me...He looked at me, then smirked and walked up to me. "Hey, shorty!" I rolled my eyes, then looked down. He growled, then took my best friends away from me. I yelped as my eyes widened. "H-Hey! Give them back!!" I sniffed as my eyes watered. Amber looked over at us, then she bit her lip..and went back to playing with her friends...M-maybe she thinks I'm strong...? That has to be it...Ike growled. "Wow! These two fuck faces look like they want to swim!" He chuckled, then started to run away. "N-NO! Stop! They can't swim!!" I screamed as I got off the bench, then chased after him.

He ran all the way to the forbidden lake, and I followed. He smirked and turned around as he held them above the lake. "You know...My dad wants something from you, Lucas..." He looked to the side, then glared at me. "Come to my house with me. I'll give you your stupid toys back if you do." I nodded rapidly. "F-Fine! Just give them back!" I sniffed and he rolled his eyes. He then tossed Mr. Bear and Mr. Fox over to me, and I caught them. He rolled his eyes, then held my tail and started walking back to his house. I whimpered as I followed him. "M-my tail is sensitive...C-can yo?-" I was cut off by him slapping me in my face, which caused me to whimper loudly. "O-ow!" "Shut up! I don't give a shit!" He growled, then continued walking. I looked down as I followed, and the rest of the walk was silence.

Once we got to his house, he looked around, then opened the door and walked in. He also dragged me in and looked around. "Dad!" He yelled, then there were footsteps coming down the stairs. I don't know his name...I never met Ike's dad. He licked his lips as he looked me up and down. I felt...A bit uncomfortable...He smirked, then walked up to me and whistled. "Good job, little boy..~ You're off for the uhh... fuckin, next two days..." He chuckled and drooled a bit. "That sweet little ass is only gonna survive two days anyways..~" Ike sighed as he looked down. I blinked as I looked at them. "Uhm...I-I should get..g-going no-now..." The man growled, then gripped my arm. "Nu-uh, not until I get to taste ya!~" He purred, then shoved me on the ground and I whimpered. He pressed his foot against my back, then started to lower my shorts and my boxers. I screamed as I struggled. "AH! H-HELP! NO! STOP IT!" I whimpered and the man growled, then slapped my butt hard, which caused me to whimper. "Shut up, you annoying little kid!" He growled. I started to cry as I shook violently. He groaned and I felt something hard poke at my back, I then felt him lick my ass all over, then licked my butthole. I shrieked as I started sobbing and screaming, and he groaned. He was about to talk, but the door burst open and my parents were there and so were two guards. I continued to sob as I shook violently and Ike yelped. Mommy gasped and ran over to me and so did the two guards. They both handcuffed the man as he yelled. "Argh! Get off of me you pieces of shits! Mmgh! Ike you fuckin rat!!" He shouted, and one of the guards took him outside.

My mom held me tightly as she pulled my boxers and shorts back up. "Oh, oh baby..I'm so sorry! What did that man do to my baby?!" She held me tighter as I sobbed. The guard looked at Ike and hummed. Ike looked down and started to cry. "I-I'm sorry, sir...! M-my dad...h-he started beating me...a-and ra-raping me ever since my mom died..." He then started to sob, and the officer patted his back and took him outside. My dad growled. "Son..." He sighed. "Never mind. Babe, let's go back inside...Wait until he calms down." She nodded and frowned, then they both walked outside and back into my house. I continued sobbing. My mom sat me down on my chair and rubbed my shoulders. "Shh, shh...Baby, it's ok...No need to cry..." She frowned as I slowly stopped sobbing. Dad sat in a chair, then held my hand. "What happened, Lucas...?" I looked down and sniffed. "I-Ike threatened to throw my friends into the forbidden lake...I-I didn't want that...s-so...W-we talked...He said if I wen-went with h-m-him..he would give m-me-e m-y f-fr-f-frie-ends bac-ack...s-so i...." I sniffed as my eyes watered. "I followed him! A-and the scary man licked my behind!!" I shouted as I started crying. My mom frowned as my dad growled.

After a few minutes, I slowly stopped crying. "Baby...Let's go eat dinner...I made bread and hot dogs...But...We can order Chinese food." She smiled at me. I looked down, then shook my head. My dad sighed, then walked away and my mom whimpered. "Amber, sweetie!" "Coming, ma!" Amber rushed into the kitchen, then looked at mom. "Sweetie, go get the bread and hot dogs for Lucas...He had a rough day today..." Amber frowned, then nodded and walked into the kitchen, grabbed the bread and hot dogs, then walked over to us and handed me a slice of bread and one hot dog. "Amber! This isn't enough!" She sighed. "Ma, look at him. He's not gonna eat much." Mom sighed, then held me tighter. Amber frowned, then walked away.

I rested my head on her chest as I nibbled at the bread. I ate maybe...three bites of the bread, and half of the hot dog. "I'm full, Mommy..." She nodded, then carefully took the food out of my hands, then ate them. "Let's...Let's go to bed, baby." She held me tighter as she stood up, then walked upstairs and into my room. She tucked me into my bed, then kissed my forehead. She handed me Mr. Fox, Mr. Bear, and a blue fox toy that smelled like chocolate. I held them tightly as I looked down. "Goodnight, baby..." She frowned. "Goodnight, Mommy." I sighed. She turned on my night light, turned off the light, then walked out and closed the door halfway. I sighed, then closed my eyes. "Goodnight, you three..." I mumbled as I slowly fell asleep.

End of le chapter. Sorry it's short, but it's kinda late rn- So oop-
Yes, I'm making a new book of Lucas's past. I got rid of the other one because I got tired of the characters. So? You may ask. Well, if I continued that story... one, I wouldn't, two, I would get bored and stop the story, three, never add to it again, four, the story would be boring and five, I wouldn't put too much thought into it. So! Of course, I'm making this story! I will be changing other things besides the characters, because of course, the beginning is n o t like the beginning in the other book. So yeah, that's pretty much it. #1559 words!!!!!!!!!!)))))))))))

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