Chapter One: Arrival

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

I stare out of the back window of dad's van. I was bummed that we had to move from Los Angeles to Nevada. I had to leave all my friends, just so my mom could get a promotion for Avalon beauty company. I sigh and turn to look at my older brothers, Michael and Jason. Me and them are like three peas in a pod, never doing something without the other two. They were currently arguing about football tactics.

I turn to observe Mom and Dad in the front seats. Mom seem overly happy while Dad was sulking like a three year old. "Hey dad how about when we get there you and I play some ball?" I suggest trying to brighten his attitude. He look at me through the rear view mirror and smiles. "Sure thing kiddo" He responds. I smile,then go back to looking out the window. I then notice we're approaching neighborhood. Mom pulls in and we drive past plain houses.We then pull onto a cement driveway. Mom parks the car and we all get out. I grab my bat and look around.

"I call dibs on biggest room!" Micheal screams, running into the house. Jason and I look at each other and nod. "FREEDOM!!!" we both shout, running after Michael. I run upstairs and run into the most spacious room. "DIBS" I shout victoriously. Michael and Jason poke their heads in and growl in defeat. "Dammit" Jason mutters sulking off with Michael.

I smirk and go downstairs and outside to retrieve my possessions. I grab a box that is labeled trophies. I won a majority of the tournament last year for my team, The L.A Hornets. We were a highly competitive team, always calling out a foul when we saw it. Suddenly I hear my dad call me from across the street. "Hey my little hornet come here and meet some of our neighbors!". I set the box down and turn to look at him. I jog over to his side and wrap my left arm around his, broad waist. I look at the blonde lady, who was clearly nearing her fifties, and notice the two older teens. "This is Jane Brewster, her son Charlie Brewster and his girlfriend Amy Peterson" Dad explains, I nod at them then turn and look at the other man.

We make eye contact, and my breath hitches in my throat. He was handsome, mesmerizing Dark brown eyes, a built body, he was perfect. "Who are you?" I ask, hoping to god he's single. "My name is Jerry, Jerry Dandridge" He replies, holding his hand out for a handshake. I grip his hand firmly and give it a gentle shake. "Nice to meet you sir" I greet, blushing at our physical contact. 

~Jerry's P.O.V~

I was talking with the Brewsters and a man named Matthias (L/n). He and his family moved here because his wife was promoted. "Oh Charlie you should meet my daughter, she plays baseball and other sports" He explain. "Hey my little hornet come here and meet some of our neighbors!" he shouts across the street. We all turn and watch as a young girl jogs over and wraps her arm around him. She was wearing a New York Yankees outfit with bleached jean short shorts and carrying a bat . "This is Jane Brewster, her son Charlie Brewster and his girlfriend Amy Peterson" he explains to the young girl as she observes them all. 

She then looks at me and my chest tightens. She was absolutely breath taking. Her lively (E/c) eyes, staring into mine. "Who are you?" she asks me. Her voice was angelic and smooth. "My name is Jerry, Jerry Dandridge"I reply, holding my hand out to her. She firmly grips my hand and gently shakes it."Nice to meet you sir" she says. "Well (y/n) how about you go back to unpacking, we all know Michael and Jason are probably thinking about stealing your new room" Mr. (L/n) states. '(Y/n) such a nice name~' I think to myself. 

"Son of a Babe Ruth they would do that wouldn't they" she exclaims, running back over to their house and inside, where I hear some muffled shouts and terrified screams. Suddenly two older teenage boys run out with (Y/n) hot on their heels, chasing them down the street. I could feel my pants tightening when I watch her run after them, her well formed breast bouncing, her thick thighs and rear bouncing as well. She stops and returns to the house to continue unpacking. 

I then turn and look at the others, "Don't worry the dumpster will be gone by tomorrow morning" I say as we all disperse. I walk into my house and look out my shades to observe (Y/n) some more. She was wrestling with one of her brother in the front lawn. The brother wins and rubs it in her face. "I let you win!"She retorts irritated. "Aw is the little hornet angry~" he asks, she glares at him.

"Sleep with one eye open tonight Jason" she growls, before standing up and walking inside. "Jason don't irritate (Y/n) like that, you know how she is when it comes to sports" Mr. (L/n) sighs, before they all walk inside for the night.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

I turn the light on to my new room. I look around and begin unpacking. I place my trophies some hanging shelves, along with some photos of me with my team. I then set up my queen sized bed with my plain blue bed covers. I place my body pillow on top of it, along with my jumbo sized Valentines panda I got from my best friend Madeline. I then finish up by hanging up my sports posters and putting my clothes away in my dresser and closet. 

I look around my now furnished room. I look over to my window and walk over. I open it and crawl onto the roof top to look at the night sky. I have to admit the stars are beautiful way out here in the Nevada desert. I pull out my Samsung S7 and take a few pictures. I then return to my room to get some sleep. I lay down and close my eyes allowing for sleep to overcome my consciousness. 

I wonder what my new life offers to me?

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