Snow White the Vampire

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I was there when it all started. You may have heard that I was jealous of her beauty, but that was certainly not the case. I didn't want her beauty. I wanted to keep her from hurting others.

You may know me as the Queen, and my job being to rule this country, but that's only half of the job. The untold other half of the job is that I have to keep this country safe from the supernatural.

You may be asking, what does that have to do with Snow White? Well, my dear daughter, Snow White, is not human, or rather, she isn't anymore. She was once my little baby girl, and I loved her to bits. She had the cutest little smile, the curliest black hair, and absolutely loved apples. Then one day, on her seventh birthday, she went walking in the garden, looking at some roses that were just bloomed. I thought she would be safe in the garden, as it is enclosed by a large wall and the outer walls are patrolled by guards. As it turns out, it is not as safe as I previously thought, as she was attacked by a vampire, who bit her and turned her into a vampire. I was able to kill her assailant, shooting him through the head with a crossbow I borrowed from a guard, but not before he had changed her. I had not realized that she had been turned into a vampire, I only thought that he had taken some of her blood. I only discovered the truth a few days later, as she had been asleep. She had attacked her father when he went to see if she had woken up, and she ended up killing him.

You may be wondering, why didn't you just kill her then and there? Would you walk up to a mother who loved her child, watched her grow into a beautiful young lady, and then tell the mother to kill her baby? No, unless you are a horrible person, you would not do that. I couldn't do that, it would have ruined me to lose two of my most loved ones in one day, so I didn't do it. I instead, kept her hidden from the public and fed her with red apples, made redder with pig's blood, hoping it would be enough for her to not attack other people. I did this for years, helping her to appear and act human enough that she could be around other humans, but not in court, as she got spooked easily, and unfortunately, if you spook a vampire, they tend to show you that they are a vampire, mostly by hissing and showing their fangs. So I kept her around the castle staff only, and they always had apples to give her.

If all had gone to plan, nobody outside the castle would ever know of her existence, let alone of the fact that she is not human. It was working well, and she was almost acting like she did before the incident, excluding the fact that she was ridiculously pale, and craved pig's blood apples all the time. That is, until a curious prince heard her singing in the garden. He was from the neighboring kingdom, visiting to work out a trade deal between our kingdoms. As soon as she saw him, all of the work that we had done to make her seem human went out the window, and she attacked him too. I think she still had some sense of what she was doing, because before she could do anything that would lead to his death, she ran away.

After the prince came back to me and told me of a strange pale woman nearly knocking him over, then fleeing, I knew immediately that she was scared, and that she was unpredictable now. I immediately sent the prince back to his kingdom, escorted by some of my top guards. I then set out myself to find her, dressed up so that my subjects would not recognize me. Unfortunately, my disguise was flawed, as dressing like a huntsman to catch your daughter is actually a terrible idea. I found her, but I was unable to apprehend her, because she nearly attacked me. I was able to get the disguise off fast enough for her to realize who she was attacking, which caused her to run away, deeper into the woods, in fear of the fact that she attacked the one person who could keep her alive.

I returned to my castle, and after a few messages to the local townsfolk, I found that she was staying in a cottage with some older miners, ones that I knew well, and who knew how to handle vampires, mostly by killing them. Admittedly, since she knew how to act human, she told them that I had tried to have her killed, which turned them against me. They knew of my job, taking care of the kingdom and stopping supernatural threats, and therefore assumed that I had some mystical abilities, a mistake that I never corrected, which unfortunately was my downfall. Knowing that they wouldn't survive if I left her there for very long, I decided that the only reasonable thing to do, both for the safety of the kingdom and as the humane thing for Snow White, I decided to kill her.

Don't think for a minute that it was an easy thing for me to decide to do, because it pained me to the point that I decided that after she was dead, I would also end my life. I appointed a successor to the throne, one of my most trusted advisors, and set out to find a way to hide a poison without her knowing it was in there. My first attempt, which was used for years by my predecessors assassin, was a comb with poison on the teeth.

I went over to the cottage, not in disguise, and asked her to come home with me. When she refused, I gave her an apple and combed her hair, waiting to see if anything would happen. When nothing happened, I gave her a few apples, and left, going back to the books.

My second attempt was a necklace, which I also laced with a poison, a quick acting one that would make her fall asleep and pass on in her sleep. I took this, and a few more apples and headed over to the cottage.

Upon returning, I was told that the miners did not trust me, and that she would not be letting me into the house. I tried to reason with her, tried to convince her to come home. She refused, saying that I would treat her badly. I then offered the necklace to her, and she immediately knocked it out of my hands. Realizing she would not be going after the necklace later, I left the apples outside and left.

I was stumped. I didn't realize that the answer was right under my nose this entire time, in these apples I was leaving her. It took me two years to come up with the idea, only coming up with it after I realized that she was attacking people in the nearby village. I quickly formulated a poison that would be undetectable, and put it, along with the pig's blood, into the apples, and went to the cottage.

As soon as she saw me and the apples, she nearly knocked me over, taking the apples and running back into the cottage. Not long after, I saw a horrifying sight: all of the miners she lived with were not only as pale as her, but were also going after the apples. She had turned them into vampires as well. She ate one bite of the disgusting concoction of apple, poison and pig's blood, and immediately collapsed. I made a quick getaway, hoping to avoid being turned into a vampire by her little friends.

A few days later, one of my surveyors informed me that several pale looking miners had put a beautiful pale maiden with blood red lips and black curls into a casket made of gold. Wanting to make sure she was truly dead, I disguised myself and left for the monument later that night. Upon reaching it, I found that she was not dead, but that she was no longer a vampire. I mentally rejoiced, but not a moment later, I was ambushed. I was able to fight back, but just as I was about to kill my attackers, I slipped and fell to my death. Apparently the miners were not vampires, but were just under her spell. When she appeared to be dead, they were relieved of their captivity, and decided to attack me. A few days later, she was found by the prince from the neighboring kingdom, and they were married. She gets to live her life, and I am stuck with being seen as the enemy of the story.

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