<<Chapter 1>>

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I was walking to my first class when someone pushed me away and went first to the door.I grouned in pain.That person surely knows how to make my day hell early in the morning.

I regained my posture and let it slide this time cause i'm in a really good mood.I started walking back to the class.

When I got there my bestfriend, Haeyeon waved her hand calling me to sit beside her.

I rolled my eyes and sat beside her.
"How's your day Ahreum?" she asked me
"Just great." I mentaly rolled my eyes
"I can sense your sarcasm.Now tell me why." she said seriously
"Why Haeyeon Unnie?" I pouted with my dangerously puppy eyes
"Stop it airhead.You look so ugly right now." said the voice at the back.

I looked back to see Koo Junhoe.He's my rival.And is a complete bastard.

I glared at him and payed back my attention to Haeyeon Unnie


I was walking to first period to see my rival.Kim Ahreum.

I decided that I would bump her shoulder hard but pushed her instead.

I heard her groun in pain when I reached the classroom.

"Women are so loud." I tsked and shooked my head.

"Hyung over here!" Shouted a exited voice.I looked to who's voice it came from and it came from the one and only Jung Chanwoo.

I smiled at him and sat beside him.

After awhile, Ahreum came in the classroom.

I saw her bestfriend,Choi Haeyeon. wave to her asking her to sit with her.

Once she sat down I paid my attention to her finding a way to somehow annoy her.

Just then I saw her pouting with her dangerous puppyeyes.

She's actualy known as the cutiepie at the school because of her unbelievable beauty and charm. And I seem to be the ONLY ONE that is not affected at all.

"Stop it airhead.You look so ugly right now." I said to her

She then slowly looked my way and gave me here scary death glare that doesn't scare me at all.

When she finnaly payed back her attention to Haeyeon.I got a hit at my head by Jinan Hyung.

"What was that for Hyung?!" I asked while rubbing my hurting head

"That's for calling my Ahreum airhead." he said

"When was she yours?" I asked feeling disturbed abit that he called here his.What's happening to me? Koo Junhoe get yourself back together!

"Since the day I met her." He states proudly

"Everybody knows she likes us both more that you." Said the Bobby and Hanbin.

My blood was boiling hearing them say Ahreum was theirs.

Oh another fact is that Ahreum,Bobby, and Hanbin are the Kim trio. Well Haeyeon well is also part of the group cause she's dating the one and only Yunhyeong.


The class soon started as the Mrs.Hong came in.

She asked us these hard questions and only me and Ahreum can answer.

Were rivals cause we fight who's the BEST in class. I know it's childish but we've been like this for a long time now.And still the teachers can't pick cause were good at everything! From PE to English From Math to Science From attitude to confidence.Were litteraly good at everthing! Some say were gifted but I don't believe so Its all from the brains.

After awhile of us only answering the questions the Mrs. Hong had a breakdown.

"Ugh! You guys keep on getting all the hardest questions I can find in this blasted book correct !!
Get out of my class! I don't want to teach students who seem smarter that me! Go!" She sued us.

We both got up and went our seperate ways.

How was it my first ever chapter???? Please follow mehhhhhhhhhhhh

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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