Revenge is sweet

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Niall's P.O.V

It was only about 5:57 when McKenna and Perry fell asleep. I texted everyone to let them know that the party wasn't happening. The only ones up were me Harry and Louis. I was siting on the bed with McKenna,Harry was in the floor and Louis was in the kitchen talking to Zayn. I started singing Over Again to her and Harry looked over at me. Trust me if looks could kill I'd be dead by now. When I got done singing I kissed her head and I got up. Harry got up and he got on the bed with her and started rubbing circles around her back. " is she still asleep" Louis asked. I nodded. I grabbed my phone so I could text Louis instead of talking because I didn't want to wake McKenna.

N: hey is it bad I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with McKenna?

L: :o you've finally found your princess Ni!!

N: I can tell Harry loves her to and he's already threatened me. That's why I'm scared of him.

L: just ignore him and if he says sorry he does and if he don't he don't ok?

N: how can I tell if she likes me?

L: something that I've noticed is when you kissed her she had a really big smile. You remember when she was on Harry's back? She kept looking at you and when she got off and then she got on your back.

N: I remember that! But I don't want Harry to be mad.

L: Get over Harry!! If you like her and she likes you ding ding ding we have a match!! :)

I looked over at Louis who was giving me a thumbs up. I have no clue why he done that but I still gave him a big thumbs up. When McKenna wakes up I'm gonna try and see who she likes. I looked around the room to see where Harry was located. I didn't see him anywhere so what was kinda a good sign. I went over to McKenna's bed and I laid down with her. " Niall is that you" she asked. " yea sorry for waking you" I replied. "That's okay and where's Louis?" I looked around and Louis was on his phone. " Louis come here" she yelled raising up. " well hello there." He replied smirking a bit. " Niall can I talk to Louis alone please" she asked. " sure just come get me when your done ok princess" I replied. I walked out and shut the door. I pressed my ear against the door so I could listen. " what's up" Louis asked her." Well I kinda have a crush on..........." That's all I heard before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there standing was Liam. " dude what the hell" I screamed at him. "Language Niall and what are you doing" he asked. " McKenna was about to tell Louis who she likes." I answered. " I'm sure she likes Harry better because he has tattoos and he looks like a bad boy" I said putting my shoes on." Where are you going" Liam asked. " I'm going to the tattoo parlor" I answered. Did I really want a tattoo? No I didn't but if it meant McKenna would like me better then yes I did. " Niall your really gonna regret this. I've got a lot of tattoos and I regret every single one of them." Liam told me. I stopped dead in my tracks and thought a minute. I've heard from fans that there glad I'm the only one without a tattoo because it makes me special. I took my coat and shoes off and I hugged Liam. " thanks buddy" i said still hugging him. I heard a snap. It was McKenna. " this ones going on twitter" she said laughing like crazy. "Are you guys getting hungry" I asked. McKenna went pale. " McKenna are you okay" I asked. She nodded and ran upstairs. I mouthed "Ohkay" and ran after her. Louis grabbed me and shook his head no. " why can't I go help her" I asked with tears in my eyes. Louis whispered in my ear. " I'll explain why that happened later ok" I nodded. " can you guys keep a secret" Louis asked kinda quiet. Everyone nodded. " hold it where's Harry" Liam asked. " right here" Harry replied. "Am I allowed to hear also" he asked. Louis nodded. " McKenna try's to starve herself" Louis said looking down. " why does she do this to herself" I asked. " Perry told me that her dad used to call her fat and stupid every time she'd eat." Louis answered. " does she self harm" Harry asked. " I've looked at her wrists and I've seen one or two scars barely showing." I answered. " guys i think that we shouldn't be all fancy right now because I'm sure she feels ugly, not that she is but I'm mean come on if you were a girl and your life has went to hell and back don't you think that you'd feel pretty stupid if you had 5 guys in your house that's fancy and your not" Harry asked. We nodded. We messed up each others hair and we made Zayn bring us some pjs, Nerf guns,bullets and ice cream. We went and knocked on her door. " hey guys" McKenna said but she didn't sound to thrilled. " Party" Harry screamed and he shot me in the face. Accident, no, on purpose, yes. " bad Harry" Liam screamed as he shot him in the you know what. " owie Liam" he screamed almost crying. McKenna wasn't enjoying this one bit. " McKenna we brought you one" I told her handing it to her. " thanks but I'm not in the mood." She replied. She sat down on her bed and stared at me the entire time. " alright let's split up in to teams me and Louis V.S. Harry and Liam." I said handing everyone there goggles. We kept on shooting each other but we kept missing. " man down man down" Liam screamed falling down. " alright if Harry dies, we get the princess and if you or me die,then the next one down loses." I said holding up my gun. " aim fire" Liam screamed. Bullets were flying everywhere. " Louis is down" Liam screamed. Is was just me and Harry. I aimed at him and I shot him. " that means I get the princess" I yelled. I jumped on her bed,picked her up and kissed her. I took my goggles of and kissed her in the lips. Then all of a sudden I got shot with a nerf gun bullet in the eye. I put McKenna down and I ran to the bathroom. My eye was red and I couldn't see anything out of it. "Hey Niall are you okay" Louis asked. " I'm going to sleep and I'm sleeping this damn night away. My eye hurts and my own brother as I called him turned on me." I answered as I walked out. McKenna had a zip lock bag with ice in it and a cloth on it. " here's for your eye." I smiled at her and put it on my eye. " alright Harry Niall you guys are not gonna be in the same room tonight so Niall your sleeping with me and Harry you'll be sleeping in Perry's room with Liam and Zayn. Louis where do you want to sleep" McKenna asked. " I'll be happy with the couch in here or the floor" he answered. " I'll go get a blow up mattress from...." And that's all she got out before she started crying again. I hugged her and she put her head on my shoulder. Just feeling her cold breath made me want to wrap her up and tell her everything would be fine. " McKenna I'll be fine sleeping on the couch" Louis replied rubbing circles around her back. " I'm sorry guys but I just miss them so much." She told us wiping her tears away. " McKenna how about you sleep in your moms room" I suggested. She looked up at me and smiled. " I don't think I can Niall." She replied. " we'll all be in there with you. You can wake any of us up if you want to talk" I said looking her right in the eyes. All the boys nodded. " can you pack me Louis" she asked. He nodded and picked her up. " gosh your lite" he told her. She blushed a little bit. He raised her shirt up and looked at her. " now girl you need to eat more. Get some meat on them bones" she pulled her shirt down and blushed even more. " let me guess Perry told you about what's been going on" she asked with a little hurt in her voice. "Let's get going guys I can't stand here long" I yelled. She made Louis put her down and she stormed off. " baby wait" Harry yelled. She didn't stop she kept on going. " princess please wait we love you. I love you and your beautiful. Please don't starve yourself." I told her. She stopped and turned around. "'Do you guys really love me" she asked. I nodded. She smiled. " I'm sorry guys" she said giving Louis and me a hug. I picked her up and we went to her moms room. I took my shirt and pants off and McKenna's face was priceless. " nice superman boxers Ni" she said laughing. I threw her on the bed and she laughed even more. "Alright night guys" I yelled some what loud. " night price" McKenna replied. * a few hours later (5:00am*

I must have been asleep for a long time because when I looked at my phone it was 5:00. I felt around the bed and McKenna wasn't there. I got up to see if she had gone back to her room. First I went into a room that had mirrors,a radio, a bra looking top,short shorts,a microphone, and an iPhone in the floor. I also saw a bowl of salad. She started dancing to what sounded like "perfect" by pink. She started talking to someone but I couldn't tell who. " that was ok but the turns are gonna have to be a tad slower". I still couldn't tell who the voice was. " maybe we should turn the music down I don't want to wake anyone" McKenna said sounding like she was out of breath. " trust me. Niall is one heavy sleeper,Louis will ignore it,Harry he's probably got his headphones in,Liam same as Niall except worse and Zayn and Perry they will not get up unless it's important." " just in case anyone wakes up I'll put my earphones in and practice" McKenna must have been practicing for a dance class because I've seen moves like That before. " who are you gonna pick A or B" the voice asked McKenna. " A is sweet and lovely but B oh my gosh sweeter than you were when I told you about the incident. So... B" she answered. I was confused who was A and who was B. When she was finished she got her phone and put it on charge. I wanted to grab her phone to see what she didn't want anyone to hear or see. When she turned around I quickly went in there,grabbed her phone and went back out.

A/N; Who should McKenna pick? Niall?Harry?Louis? I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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