From red to blue

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Wooden boards creaked as Uleanra walked on them.

It was always so cold in this house and there was never anything to do.

Usually, Uleanra would be annoying Alone by doing his stupid things, like embarrassing him, like at the Christmas dinner with Albert, or just being a burden. 

But he was avoiding Alone today, so was Selozar, but to be fair, Alone was avoiding them first. 

On days like this, Alone would get violent and go on random torture sprees. 

Both boys had the collective to either stick together and avoid Alone, or fend for themselves. 

Fending for themselves seemed to be that day as well. 

He would feel awful if Alone did something to Selozar, but he had to protect himself sometimes. 

Alone only did one thing to harm Uleanra and that was choking. 

His throat was probably destroyed at this point because of the torture. 

He hardly talked because of it, his throat hurt too much to talk. 

He always feared for his life every time and saw the familiar black dots cloud his vision every time. 

He didn't want to go through that today. 

Uleanra suddenly heard another wooden board creak. 

He froze.

At the corner of his eye, Alone was standing there with a huge, unnatural grin.

"COME ULEANRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" Alone practically screeched at him. 

"N-No!" Uleanra croaked and started to run. 

Alone pounded right after him. 

Oh, he bet Selozar was terrified, hearing Alone's manic laughter and the loud footsteps as they ran. 

It was a small house and there wasn't much room to run. 

His lungs were already starting to burn, he knew he wouldn't be able to escape today. 

He made a sharp turn and only to choke as Alone grabbed hold of his lights. 

He laughed loudly and pulled Uleanra back which caused him to gag. 

"Thought get away? Hmm? Not today!" Alone wrapped the Christmas lights tightly around Uleanra's neck and promptly tugged. 

Uleanra coughed and spit, desperate for any bit of air. 

The process went on for what seemed like minutes.

Alone giving Uleanra 5 second breaks here and there before going back to strangling him. 

Uleanra felt the light bulbs and the wire dig deeply into his skin. 

Alone tug tighter and Uleanra was now positive he felt blood seep down his neck. 

It wasn't nearly enough to kill him though, just a cut. 

But what was killing him was the severe lack of oxygen. 

Alone had never gone this tight before.. and this long. 

He attempted to struggle to save himself from his impending doom, but Alone shoved him into the wall and planted a hand on his shoulder before pulling the lights like crazy. 

Yup, Uleanra was positive he was going to die now. 

Black dots danced his vision as tears leaked from his eyes. 

Drool leaked from his mouth as he gasped for air, only to still receive nothing. 

The dots completely covered his vision and his body went limp. 


Creaking made Alone turn around. 

"Oh, Selozar! You like?" 

Selozar only stared back in horror. "H-He's.." 

"He fine! Nothing see here!" 

"A-Alone.. his h-head is blue.." 

"Whaaaat? Selozar color blind? Silly... He fine!-" He turned his head back to look at Uleanra, only to share Selozar's shock. 

His head was blue, no longer the redhead he always made fun of. 

He also noticed the neck was a deep purple and it was slowly trailing down. 

He let go in an instant and Uleanra's lifeless body fell to the ground. 

His glasses fell off of his face, and they could only see his eyes open in terror. 

Alone and Selozar were too shocked to make a move, they just stared at Uleanra. 

It wasn't until the tiny pool of drool, blood and tears did Selozar make a move. 

He quickly rushed over and knelt down next to Uleanra. 

He flipped the body over and tore off the Christmas lights as gently and fast as he could. 

He then started doing chest compressions. 

He only knew about this procedure, because sadly it wasn't the first time Uleanra had been knocked unconscious because of this. "C'mon.. c'mon.. stay with me Uleanra.." 

No response. 

Selozar cringed at the idea of doing mouth to mouth and hoped it wouldn't have to come to that. 

After 30 seconds of it being unsuccessful, Selozar finally caved in and did mouth to mouth. "Please, Uleanra... stay with us!" 

The mouth to mouth technique seemed to work because Uleanra finally took a deep breath and blinked his dry eyes. 

Selozar let out a breath of his own in relief and rubbed circles on Uleanra's back as he regained a steady breathing pace. "You're okay.. you're okay.." 

He shot a glance over at Alone, who was still standing there with shock. 

Alone's terror-filled face hadn't changed as when he first saw Uleanra's blue head. 

After a second, he twitched and looked at his hands. "Not.. again. Need break. Going out.." 

He seemed very distressed and left the house as soon as he could, which meant him bolting out. 

Selozar contemplated what happened to Alone, but he was focused rather on his friend than his abuser. 

He turned back to Uleanra. 

He was still panting heavily and he was rubbing his purple neck. 

His head was slowly turning back to red, which was good. 

"T-Thank you.." He croaked. 

Selozar only smiled, "It's no problem. We stick together from now on, right?" 

"R-Right." Uleanra shakily smiled back. 


HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗 i sure hope you enjoyed this story as much as i enjoyed writing it!!! hehe!!!!!! must i say, i simply love uleanra! he's so,,,,, mysteriously stupid and just there! i love him!💕💕💕 and when i saw that my favoriteeeeeeee roblox twitter wrote a headcanon like this, i just simply couldn't resist! i really hope you like it!! or at least think the writing is ,,, decent! i use 'he' too much haha!!! 🤭🤭

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