Romanticizing heroin

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He was the guy your parents always warned you about. Tall black shaggy long hair who chain smokes cigarettes till he doesn't have a penny in his pockets. A high school drop out with no ambition, no dreams, no job. But you wanted him, you needed him, but he'll never need you.

Tessa- opens her eyes slowly and wakes up to seeing her love sleeping in the drivers seat.

Tessa-" max wake up its 4pm"

Tessa- max?, max!

Tessa shakes max vigorously but he makes no response. Tessa then checks his pulse, and rolls her eyes.

Max- *laughs* "I'm just fucking with you T"
Max then lights a cigarette.

Tessa- "it's not funny when you do it every other day max! Jesus you scared me" *eye rolls*

Tessa- "whats the plan today babe"

Max- "when do we ever have a plan"

Tessa- well we should probably get out of this neighborhood before some prick calls the cops on us.

Max then puts his keys into his Brocken down car.

Max- *slams on the gas peddle*

Max-"ha fuck the cops"

Max then puts his head out of the window screaming and shouting as he slaps his hand on the horn.

Tessa- " Jesus max you know your going 40 in a 25 right?"

Max- "yeah so?"

Tessa- "yeah so... go a little faster"

Max then slams on the gas at 60 mph

Tessa and max are both screaming with there hands out the window.

Tessa- DOG!

max then slams on the break throwing him into the steering wheel.

Max- "what the fuck Tessa! I don't see no fucking dog!"

Tessa- "what? I'm just fucking with ya"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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Romanticizing heroin Where stories live. Discover now