Chapters 27-28

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On the day I was discharged from the hospital, Dr. Tellis checked on me and handed me a few sheets with instructions on how to care for my stitches. He was positive about my recovery and even more positive about the strides Daniel was making.

"Where there any signs of the syndrome in Daniel?"

"No, Traci, no effects of FAS were present. I still want to keep a close eye on him as he gets older to see if he develops seizures or developmental delay. The good sign for the moment is Daniel's weight gain," he said, smiling.

A huge weight lifted from my chest.

"Traci, I need you to realize that other FAS symptoms may not be present right away. I have given you a referral to a colleague of mine in your discharge papers. She's a pediatrician and FAS specialist. She will be able to help you more than I can."

"I understand."

Before I left, I went in, touched my baby, and promised him I would be back every day. I was still a little bruised from my fall. Both knees and my lower back ached, and the stitches from my Cesarean forced me to use my cane just to move from one spot to the other.

An elevator dinged in the distance as I entered the hallway and sat in the wheelchair.

"My cab should be waiting for me downstairs," I told the nurse.

"The cab was cancelled," the nurse said, wheeling toward the male figure coming toward us.


"Thought I'd stop by and act as your chauffeur," Norman said, talking the wheelchair.

"You didn't have to come to the hospital."

"I was already here."

Soon we were in Norman's truck and on our way to my house. Along the way, Norman stopped at the grocery store and picked up a week worth of food.

Later that afternoon, I received an unexpected visit from a uniformed officer. He was first on the scene after my fall. I found it ironic that he managed to sit in the same spot as Detective Delgado.

"What were Ms. Ward and you fighting about?"

"She had something that was mine, and I wanted it back."

"What was it?"

"My house key."

"Why did she have your house key?"

"My ex-boyfriend, Marc Drake -- he's her boss -- lost it and she found it. We've had this long-standing feud and just didn't get along. I chalked it up to her being petty."

"Did she give it back?"


"The janitor said you and Ms. Ward were fighting before you fell. Is that correct?"

I don't remember the actual fall."

"Did Ms. Ward push you?"

Would Dana deliberately try to hurt me? Of course, she would.

"From what I can remember, we struggled, and I fell."

"And there is nothing else that you want to tell me?"

I shook my head.

"Okay," the officer said, rising to leave. "Thank you for your time, Ms. Collins. If there is anything else we can do, let us know."

I waved him off and tried to get in touch with Olivia. Now that the police had questions regarding what happened, I thought it was best to end the winding roads of questions that lingered and put a stop to this now. My calls to Olivia's phone went straight to voicemail.

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