Life Hacks

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Enjoy these amazing life hacks!

•If you like to chew gum before you go to sleep but forget to take it out until you're comfortable in bed (like me) then just place a sticky note or two on your bedside table or nightstand. That way, when you are already in bed you can just place it on the sticky note. BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER!!!! Change out your sticky note at LEAST once a week unless you haven't used it.
•Wear comfortable clothes to bed so that you feel more refreshed when you wake up. (Trust me it works)
•NEVER wear makeup to bed!!! It will damage your skin and leave makeup smears your sheets and pillows.
•Working out right before bed can help you burn more calories while you sleep and tire you out so you want to sleep more.
•Save a portion of the money you make. You never know when it will come in handy.
•Join clubs and activities that you normally wouldn't choose to participate in. You never know. you might like it and make some life long friends too!
•DON'T SHOWER EVERY DAY!! Showering every day will make your skin really dry and peel off. Plus it isn't good for your hair.
•Have at least three meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Your body needs food to do literally anything!!!
•Out lotion on your feet and then put clean and fuzzy socks then sleep with it on. Your feet will be soft and smell good in the morning.
•If you plan out your month, it will be less hectic and you will have more time to prepare for things. Plus you will know wether or not you can hang out with friends.
•Wrote out a year long journal and once you have finished the year writing in it (or more), but it or keep it somewhere safe so when you're older, you can look back on what your life used to be and what problems you were facing then.

~||Hello! Yes, I'm back from my hiatus that I never announced. I've been extremely busy lately and just so tired from school and having one of my best friends move. Ugh. It's been a rough couple of months. But I'm back! I really hope you enjoyed these life hacks I came up with. Remember, if you want me to go over a subject that you want to know more about or have any ideas of what I could put in my last chapters to make them better, don't hesitate to tell me! I hope you have a wonderful day! -Zicker ||~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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