Chapter 4: Mysterious Girl

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Dana's POV

“Victoria Tori, Victoria Tori, Tori Victoria. How about if they’re the same person?” Gabe asks. That sentence kept rewinding in my head “what? Why do you think that?” David asks “you think that the Tori I bumped into and the Victoria are the same person?” I ask Gabe confused. “Dpude think about it, Tori is the short cut for the name Victoria, and you say that you’ve never heard a Victoria Dizon before and the first time you heard her sing was at the studio this morning, but you say that you have heard her voice before” he says leaning forward. “then again, some artists sound the same.” Cole says, but I interrupt “no, he’s got a point I honestly think that I’ve heard that voice from somewhere” I say backing up Gabe. Gabe carries on, “that’s my point, I know where you think you’ve heard her voice before, remember when you were looking through her phone and you played the recordings of her singing? And then you spoke to her on the phone? That might be where you heard her voice from” he said, we all looked at each other in shock and our eyes just widened at what Gabe was talking about, he could be right. 

“search her name now” Will demanded and I did as he said, I typed in ‘Victoria Dizon’ on you tube and the first thing that came up was her channel, it said Tori Marie D and my eyes widened and I quickly clicked on it, she had hundreds of videos. I clicked on her cover of PYT, just cuz I love Michael Jackson and it was her! Tori and Victoria are the same. “I knew it!” Gabe said standing up proud of what he accomplished. We listened to her. “Wow she does sound like an angel” David said. I watched the video and just stared at her, she was beautiful I cant believe she was the one I bumped into. “Damn it though, she was in the building today if only we knew she was the Tori from Miami then everything would’ve been easier. “ I said “there is a reason for everything” Cole said trying to act like a know it all. “anyway guys I think we should head to bed, we have the concert tomorrow and expect that Tori to come” David said. 

Before I went to sleep, I went on twitter and found Tori, she had loads of followers she was a Youtube sensation, and I didn’t even know. I followed her then sent her a DM.

@DanaIM5: @Tori_Dizon hey, I, hope your not mad that I was late to the pier in Miami, I did try to come but I was really busy that day and when I came I saw you get in the car and it was too late.

I’ve still got your phone and its dead so yeah… anyway I found out who you are Victoria Dizon, I was at the starstruck studio this morning with the boys recording and I walked past the studio you and Max Schneider were in and I heard your recording it was pretty awesome.

I didn’t know who you were and I asked Max he said your name was Victoria so I didn’t know it was you, but then when we got home Gabe figured that you and Victoria were the same person.

I’m so sorry, if I only I knew you were there I would’ve given you your phone back. I hope you get to come to the concert on Friday and I’ll give you it back then. 

After that I closed my laptop and went to sleep. 

Tori’s POV

Cece is over my place tonight she is sleeping over so that we get to go to the concert straight away tomorrow. I was on my twitter on the laptop since I don’t have my phone and I look and I see that Dana has followed me. “Oh my god! Dana Vaughns followed you!” she said excitedly “I cant believe it either” I said calmly. I then see that he has sent me a DM and it was like a huge paragraph. Cece reads it out loud. “hey, I hope your not mad that I was late to the pier in Miami, I did try to come but I was really busy that day and when I came I saw you get in the car and it was too late. I’ve still got your phone and its dead so yeah… anyway I found out who you are Victoria Dizon, I was at the starstruck studio this morning with the boys recording and I walked past the studio you and Max Schneider were in and I heard your recording it was pretty awesome. I didn’t know who you were and I asked Max he said your name was Victoria so I didn’t know it was you, but then when we got home Gabe figured that you and Victoria were the same person. I’m so sorry, if I only I knew you were there I would’ve given you your phone back. I hope you get to come to the concert on Friday and I’ll give you it back then.” I stared at the screen shocked.

“He was at the studio?” I ask Cece, “oh my god this is amazing, how big of a coincidence that you lost your phone Dana happened to pick it up, and now you were in the same building as Dana Vaughns and you didn’t even know! Plus he heard you sing, that is amazing” Cece said while kind of jumping up and down on the sofa “if only Max didn’t introduce me to them as Victoria then he would’ve known it was me and then I would’ve gotten my phone back” I say “well thanks to Gabe they figured out it was you, I don’t know how but that is just cool!” she said happily. 

After that I just kept reading the tweet back, he happened to be that he was busy and  that Cece was right, she is always right I swear I need to listen to her more often. I answered back 

@Tori_Dizon: @DanaIM5 hey… so yeah its fine and if only Max introduced me to you as Tori instead of Victoria I would have my phone back by now, but I promise I will go to your concert, what kind of a 5er would I be if I didn’t? just look after my baby (my panda phone) hehehe :D

After I sent that I went to sleep. I cant wait to go to the concert, I hope I can finally get my baby back. 

A/N~ its short I know, I might update again later today if I feel like it :D

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