Prologue/ Interdution

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  Life is a precious gift and is loved by most of the people that you meet. Yet so many people take it for granted in my town. Especially in my town.

My town is Pueblo De Buena which is Spanish for "Town Of Good". "Why is called town of good? No town is that perfect." You ask? Well mine is. In fact, my town is so perfect that there has never been a single crime. That's why my "victim" and I are going to commit one.

Other people will say that it's a horrible idea but I say we're doing our town a favor. Think about it, Our town has never had to witness a crime, especially a big one.

That's why I'm going to murder someone

      Oh don't worry! I'm not really going to kill anyone! It's all fake. That's why I keep putting quotation marks around the word victim. The hardest part of planing a crime, even if it's a fake one, is the consequences. I mean, I love my town and I don't want to be kicked out of it. We just have to convince them that it was to help the town prepare for a real one. I am worried on how the handle it though.

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