Chapter 1

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Silver Secrets
Chapter one

The two four year old girls played happily in the long green grass, the air filled whit giggles and laughter warm sunlight washing over their faces, all kinds of flowers surrounding them

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The two four year old girls played happily in the long green grass, the air filled whit giggles and laughter warm sunlight washing over their faces, all kinds of flowers surrounding them.

The younger girl took the nearest flower looking at her whit interest, small white petals whit a yellow 'dot' in the middle, she smiled the two of her dimples showing as she gives the flower to her sister, Veronica smiled in response

"Veronica! Vanessa! There you are" they heard their mom's voice near

They looked at eacother devilishly quick on their feet, the twins notice a nearby tree. As their backs hit the wood, the two of them erupt into giggles

Veronica placed her index finger to her lips turning around to take a peek hopefull that their mother would let them play more in this park

" If you two come out I'll buy ice cream!" Wendy shouted, the twins exchanged looks nodding

"Okay mommy, I want stawbevy ice cream" Vanessa made herself clear opening her arms gesturing that she wants to be picked up

Paul lifted Vanessa up, Wendy following his actions picking up Veronica, the two adults walking side by side

" can we come more often here daddy?" Veronica asked, Paul nodded smiling " of course little butterfly"

"Only if you don't get your dress dirty" Wendy informed her, Veronica grined throwing her arms around her mom's neck in attempt to hug her

"My dress isn't dirty mommy! I've been nice" Nessa said proudly, Wendy placed a kiss on her cheek

"Lets get ice cream"


"Earth to Vanessa" Will waved his hands in front of the hypnotized looking girl, but Vanessa didn't move, he looked confusedly at the group for help. Isla rolled her eyes placing her hands on her shoulder and starting to shake her body. Her method worked immediately "Wha-You can stop now!" Vanessa said still raddled "it happened again, right?" She asked but knew well enough the answer, they all nodded

Vanessa sighed noticing the strawberry ice cream in her hand all melted and dripping on her jeans, quickly grabbing some tissues from the tissue dispenser placed in the middle of the table the seven of them were seated

"We should go, we have things to do" Veronica kept her voice low, All of them understanding why. They all got up one by one and leaving the ice cream shop, greeted by a hot wave of summer air

"Its so fucking hot out!" Mavi whined
Her hand on her forehead in attempt to protect her eyes from the sun "take your shirt off"  Asher smirked only  earn a middle finger from Mavi and and a smack from Isla

The group continued to walk on the loud street, kids chasing eachother whit water guns, and some just enjoying this beautiful day of summer

But as they walked more, the quieter it got, the sound of kids sreaming disappeared, and the sound of birds chirping was all they heard.
In front of them was an old three story abandoned house, whit trees surrounding it
Max opened the door whit his key walking in first followed by the rest. This wasn't the first time they've been here

The house was old, bushes and plants started growing in, the furniture was brand new and beautiful vitange paintings hanged on the wall, this was the only place they could be far from worries and people, like they were the only people in the world.

They all took a seat, waiting for Asher to speak, he cleared his voice
" Tonight we will deliver these" he pauses to search for something in his pocket pulling out a small velvet blue box opening it slowly to reveal three grape size diamonds "these my friends are six hundred thousand."


Thanks for reading the first chapter of Silver Secrets, We promise that the other chapters will be longer!

~ Malfoi

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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