Things People Say #1

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"Remember that episode where spongebob chokes on a fork?"

"Don't make contact with me"

"Stick a pencil up your anus right now"

"Remember in spongebob when the guy's lips fell off? That reminds me of you."

"Oh my god if I was a band I'd be twenty one pilots!"

Teacher: what is a country in western Europe?
"Germany. RUSSIA!"

"Why are you laughing? Are you high?"

"I think Blanche Dubois is a drug addict."

(Two people at the same time) "Hope is dope."

"I told my friend i love her and she said 'ew never say that again.' fun!"

(Turns the music down.)"Sorry I just don't want them to know I'm emo."

"Never even smoked weed" (trying to remember North, East, South, West)

"Honestly I'm ok with dying in a fire at the moment."

"Imma be calling her gay on my deathbed."

"Wouldn't it stop global warming if everyone in the world poured a cooler of liquid nitrogen in the ocean?"

"I tasted a little bit of bleach a 2 years ago. I was a lil slow back then."

Person 1: who's king kong?
Person 2: he's that giant gorilla monster
Person 1: I thought that was Harambe.

Friend 1: haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer?
Friend 2: what?
Friend 3: did you just compare yourself to cancer?
Friend 1: you don't understand me. iT's NoT a PhAsE mOm.

"It's not gay if you're wearing socks."

Friend 1: I'm not okay.
Friend 4: you are fine. I promise.
Friend 1: I'm not okay (I promise)
*friend 4 doesn't get the joke.*

Friend 1: you like gay-pop right?
Friend 2: don't disrespect k-pop like that.
Friend 1: I meant actual gay-pop. Like Hayley Kiyoko and King Princess.

"I love you platonically dude."

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