1. Destiny

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Calyn POV

I awake to the sound of banging for a moment I am blind, then I remember where I am. in hell.
The sound of moaning and coughs echo around me.
I'm a prisoner among prisoners. Although I pray to the moon goddess that one day this will all end. I continue the cycle.
I wait for my wake up call. Any minute now I will be yanked out of my so called bed. A dirty torn rag on hard concrete.
And action
" GET UP MUTT" the first words I hear.
Today I am angry and I am done waiting for the moon goddess to take action. If this doesn't work I'm going to be in a hell of a lot of pain. The scruffy dirty wolf comes towards me, leaving the door wide open, summoning the little strength I have I jerk away. He looks at me with a surprised expression. This look turns to outrage he yanks my arm with his rough dirty calloused hands and I yelp. With all my effort I kick out against  his knee. Immediately I hear a sharp crack. And as if I were on fire I race out the cage closing it behind me. I hiss in pain as I burn my hand on the silver but I continue to race away. I am slow due to the extent of my injuries and my wolf has not made and appearance in years. I am terrified I will be caught. But the face of my brother motivates me. His clear eyes and troubled smile as he fights off emotion that comes to over take him. I tell myself I want this to end yet I know I deserve, what has happened to my mother it was my fault. But... There is someone else. A nameless face that drives me to the brink. I need to find him. I will find him. It is my destiny.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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