Chapter 1: Arriving in San Diego (Background Information)

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Chapter 1: Arriving in San Diego (Background Information)

I sat there in front of my parents and two older siblings. My siblings were crying but I didn't know why until they finally told me.

"Lilac you're leaving Australia to America with Nathan and Daniel." my father told me.

"Are we going to meet you there?" my three year-old self asked. 

"No honey, tonight is the last night you will ever see us." my mother calmly said as tears stream down her face.

"B-b-b-but Mami, I don't wanna leave without you!" I cried. 

"You don't get it Lilac do you! Do you!" Papi screamed, "we don't want to deal with you! We don't want you, you stupid bitch!"

I cried, "but Papi, why not."

"Because you three are costing us too much money." Mami replied, "the social worker will pick you all up at noon tomorrow."

I hugged Nathan's legs I was terrified. I didn't want to leave my parents, if only I knew the truth. i went to sleep with Nathan because I was scared out of my mind. I finally fell asleep by midnight. 

I cried as I packed my clothes and pictures. Before I finished Nathan came into my room to tell me the truth: "mum and Pa are sending us to America because they both lost their jobs and they are losing the house, they didn't want us to live through that."

"Oh.... but will we ever see them again?"

"I'm afraid not," Daniel said leaning on the doorway, "come on the social worker is here."

We placed our things in the trunk and we set off for the airport.

Nathan carried me until we boarded the plane, the worst thing that could happen to me happened. I was leaving my family as the social worker told us, "you all will be placed in different orphanages around the city."

I didn't know what to think, I tried my best to stay strong but when the plane landed I bursted. This was the last time I would see my brothers. 

The social worker drove Daniel to his orphanage first, before he got out of the car I hugged him tightly, I didn't want to lose him forever. We said our goodbyes, and then I did the same for Nathan, lastly was me our social worker, Kristy, helped bring my things into my new room. As I carried my bags into the building I felt all the eyes on me. Once every bag was in my room I unpacked all my things into the wardrobe, mainly my clothes and shoes, then I made my bed. I went back downstairs as my social worker introduced me to several kids my age. The first two were Harry and Bianca. They were the only people I was comfortable with. 

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