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Our laughable banter always came back to being too cliche. And therefore it only made sense for us to drink rosehip tea when together, with a little honey. It always brought me back to that moment she stayed, trust was there even if she didn't think she should. We needed each other no matter how much we tried to resist. Her from the arrogant snot and me from the girl who promised we would never be anything. But like magnets, the closer we got the stronger the pull became.

Everything was different now though, no hesitation hung in the air, her and I were now we. We dove right in to it all and there was no turning back. Not after I saw her first tears, the ones that broke my heart. No one would ever make her feel like that again, not if I was here. The first kiss on the bridge, I almost hated how damn clever she was, so smooth, her lips felt real and everything in my body said to never let her go. But my heart told me that love like this needs to be taken slow. Show her how you care it told me. So I did, and goddamn was it worth it. We transcended the meaning of love building up to those kisses i get everyday now. And, God, I won't be able to live without them. Ever.

I look to this silly girl, my mind pausing from the practically overwhelming feeling of having her, and her having me.

"Yes, Sara." What? it's only fair, she knows what she is getting into. But I go into panic as she abruptly stands grabbing our mugs and whips around heading to the kitchen.

"Ahh, Mia, darling, my angel..." I say while pleading from behind her, is she really angry? Before she can escape I trap her between my arms against the counter. She turns around to face me but to my suprise that beautiful huge smile appears on her face followed by a sneaky laugh.

"Goodness, Alexander, you act like I have no sense of humor."

"What do I know, usually you giggle right away!" I explain. She ducks under my arms. And heads towards the still warm kettle to pour another cup. I rest against the counter to watch her. Only Mia Amalie Winter could turn me on by fixing a cup of tea. It's quiet as she works, and the silence may drive some people crazy but I love that feeling when you can just be silent with someone no need for filler conversation. Mia scoots up onto the island across from me and a small clatter erupts from the spoon hitting the sides of the mug and she mixes in some honey. I continue to watch her bring the cup to her lips, she pauses and notices honey running down the side. And without wasting any time, she draws her finger up from the bottom to the rim of the mug to suck the slow honey off her finger. Fuck.

"You really can't do anything without looking sexy, huh?" I inquire. She looks up at me startled.

"I won't answer that, might be too sexy." She answers while her eyebrows play a little dance.

Well I'm done. Immediately I push myself from the counter over to her and grab the mug nearly slamming it on the counter. I then jet and cushion my hands to her face cupping each side pulling her in for a kiss. Her lips are warm and sweet from the honey. I immediately melt into them with ecstasy. I feel her hands work their way to the back of my neck and into my hair giving me a little tug as she reciprocates the movement of my mouth. We pull away gasping for air. But again, fuck it, I don't need to breath, not when I can feel her. I instantly pull her back now grabbing her waist and bringing her closer while lifting her off the counter. I rest one hand softly below her. She agrees with my thought of heading to the bedroom by wrapping her legs around me and planting kisses on my neck and face. Finally we make it to my bed and I lay her down. Such beauty shouldn't be possible I think as I look down at her. Those pristine blue eyes I get lost in, her sprawled hair across the white sheets. I also notice her smeared lipstick from our kissing, but I don't feel messy, I feel an incredible surge of warmth flow through my chest and up to my throat. I'm at a loss for words. She sits up and grabs my t shirt bringing me down to the bed. I flip with her and she lowers on top of me straddling my lap as I sit on the edge of the bed. Bringing her thumb to my outer lips, she starts rubbing as I assume she is wiping off her transferred lipstick. With the back of her other hand she wipes the excess form her own.

That warmth hit me again when she licked her lips looking focused. We are one again as I crash my lips to hers. I could stay like this with her for an eternity, but that's too much to ask for apparently as I hear the click of an opening door.

"Who's ready to party, man whore!" I hear Sam yell through the condo followed by laughter of what I assume to be Jonas, Matteo and a couple other goons from school.

"This prick!" I fume while slamming myself onto the bed in frustration. Mia can only giggle though as I pinch my temples.

"It's party time man whore!" she mocks in laughter rolling off my lap and getting off the bed. I hold onto her hand making her turn around.

"We can just hide in the bathroom or something, please. I just wanna be with you." I say flashing my puppy sad boy eyes. Mia only smiles and shakes her head though.

"We've been hanging for hours, it's cool, go hang." God she's dense. "I have homework to attend to anyways. See you late yeah?" She then grabs her coat and purse resting on a chair. Sam walks in taking a moment to see what is going on.

"Oh, Alex, my man whore, I've interrupted..." Mia flashes me a look of embarrassment.

"Actually, yes," I answer.

"Axel." Mia glares. I just shrug though. She sighs and makes her way out to the living room and towards the door while Sam explains the plan for the night, and the others start setting up. Before she can wrap her hand on the door handle though I sprint over and turn her around. I plant one kiss on her forehead two on her cheeks and then a final on her lips. Pulling back I see her rolling her eyes. "Goodbyeee" She sings giving me a tap on the face and exiting the door. As she makes her way down the stairs I wait till she is on the flight right below me to yell.

"I love you, Mia Amalie Winter!" Her gorgeous eyes look up and from her mouth comes the dramatized words of,

"Yes, darling, I love you too!" with her hands flailing. I clutch my heart and fall to my knees in answer while she laughs her whole way out of the building. From inside I hear the boys hooting and yelling.

"This boy is whipped!" yell Jonas and Matteo simultaneously. I join them and am sure to give all of them nice slap in the back of the head for interrupting earlier. They're right though I am completely whipped for that woman and her love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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