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~Inception....The beginning of something. The start, origin.

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It was peaceful here, so peaceful. I wasn't use to such quietness but it was relaxing. The sounds of birds chirping happily echoed around me, along with the soft sound of leaves in the small breeze.

I stood on the bank of the lake, gazing out at the still water. The cool breeze lifting my hair off my shoulders and face. There was no one else but me here and I took solstice in it.

For the first time in years I didn't feel like someone was standing over my shoulder watching me, directing me to do something. I felt free which brought a smile to my face.

I was finally free.

I stared out at the water for hours. No one could touch me here. I was free to be myself, even though I had no clue who I really was. All I knew was I wasn't a killer here. All that darkness from before didn't follow me here. It was like a fresh start.

But as soon as I thought about the darkness that was my life, the scenery around me changed. The tranquility of the lake disappeared, the birds chirping went silent, the breezed stilled.

My eyes were glued opened as a new scene appeared in front of me. I was in front of the warehouse again. Standing off to the side as rain poured down my face, as I watched men after men die.

I stayed there watching as men fought each other before the scene once again shifted. This time I was inside the warehouse. My mind was slowly catching up with what was happening, not fully registering that this wasn't just a dream, that it happened.

I was in another room and right in front of me The other me was prowling around the room as a figured crouched on the ground. When the person lifted its head it took a moment to remember his name. Byron.

The real me watched in confusion as what was happening. Not fully remembering what was going on. It was all familiar, and right on the edge of my memory but I couldn't quite grasp it. Right as the other me killed Byron the scene shifted once more.

This time I was in another room. It was me and another girl. She was yelling about something I couldn't hear; she waved a gun around as she spoke. I was so confused at what was happening when a familiar looking man appeared.

Everything was happening so fast and all I could do was stand there silently watching it all unfold. My mind was trying to play catch up but it was taking too long. I tried to move but my feet were stuck to the ground, my lips pressed shut by an unknown force. Something was telling me I had to warn the other me but I couldn't move or talk.

The moment I saw other me reach for her gun something snapped inside of me. I suddenly remembered what was going on and what was about to happen. I opened my mouth to yell, to warn myself but nothing came out. I could do nothing. I was stuck standing there knowing I was about to be shot.

Nothing I did helped. I couldn't move, couldn't look away as the Ash raised her gun, Rowan next to me pushing down on his trigger.

The entire thing played out in front of me as I knocked Rowan's gun up, Ash pushing her own trigger and as I shot off a round as well. Only a second passed before I felt bright white pain.

Pain so bad it made me scream, yet no sound came out. This other body of mine wanted to crumple but I couldn't. Something was keeping me up right as blinding pain ran through my body. It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and it dragged on and on.

The pain was almost like I was being burned alive. It seemed to go on for hours upon hours, with no end in sight. I had long given up on fighting the pain as it racked havoc on my body. I wished I could have passed out from the pain but I was wide awake through it all. I lost track of time as the pain continued to engulf my body.

Not sure how long it went the pain suddenly started to ebb. I fell to the ground panting and sobbing as the pain fully disappeared. I laid there unable to move, unable to form a single thought.

I didn't lay there long. Suddenly everything around me shifted and the scenery changed once more. My body moved on its own and I was back to feet, standing there staring out at a peaceful lake, just like before. As if everything I had just experienced was a dream.

A dream that I could never get out of.

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