The breakfast

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In the actual movie Sophie is 18 and Howl is 27 but I am going to move Sophie's age up to 26

Time skip~ 3 years

Asher silently slept on completely unaware of what was going on around him.

Sunlight peaked through the ripped curtains on to the dirty, mattered mattress that currently beds Asher.

Asher was awoken by talking downstairs. He silently got up and walked out of his room in his ripped pj's that were covered in dirt just like the rest of him.

He silently walked down the stairs hoping his father ,Howl, wasn't there.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he watched as an old women got Calcifer to listen to her.

Asher quietly stands in the corner of the room going unnoticed by all currently in the room.

Suddenly the dial at the door goes black and Howl walks in. Asher hopes Howl doesn't notice him and slowly makes his way to the stairs.

Markl tells Howl about the invitations from the king, while he continues walking.

Sophie looks up and softly gasps when she sees Howl but goes straight back to cooking.

"Calcifer your being so obedient" Howl says in an amused tone. Asher watched quietly from the side hoping to go unnoticed by Howl.

"Not on purpose she bullied me" Calcifer says in defence.

"Not just anybody can do that" he says in an amused tone but Asher can tell Howl is interested. "And you are who" he continues asking Sophie softly.

Sophie looks up at him and says with a slight stutter at the beginning "a..ah you can just call me grandma Sophie. I am the new cleaning lady I just started work today" she says while waving the spoon in a friendly wave.

"Give that to me" Howl says pushing her out of the way. "Hand me two more slices of bacon and eight more of those eggs" Howl all but demands.

Sophie hurries to get the food as Asher completely focuses on being quiet.

"Come have some breakfast Sophie" Markl calls to Sophie which snaps Asher out of his daze as he reaches the bottom step.

Howl silently dishes up the food on to four plates as Asher makes it further up the stairs.

"Bread Markl? " Howl asks while handing him the bread.

"Thanks" Markl replays happily accepting the bread.

"Sophie? " questions Howl as he offers her the bread.

"Yes thank you" Sophie responds politely while taking the bread.

"Asher? " questions Howl which made Asher panic as he knew he was caught.

" no thanks m...master Howl" Asher stutters out a reply hurrying further up the stairs.

"Asher when was the last time you ate?" Howl questions, but before Asher could reply Howl continued "And don't think about lying because I will punish you"

Asher and Markl shudder, Asher remembering the pain and Markl remembering the screams. Sophie curiously looks at Markl as she watches his shudder.

" days ago" Asher stutters our hesitantly as Sophie gasps in surprise and horror.

Howl sighs says "you better get down here and eat by the count of ten"

Asher panics and comes racing down the stairs in a frenzy.

Howl looks at Asher and sternly says "sit" but as he went to walk past Howl, he is grabbed by the back of his shirt and is forced to sit next to Howl "here" Howl sternly adds

Asher tenses and rigidly sits beside Howl as they all start eating except him.

Howl puts his hand in the middle of Asher's back and says "eat" in a very scary way scaring everyone.

Asher slowly reaches out his gloved hand to grab a fork.

Asher zones out while he slowly eats, with tears slowly building up in his eyes that he won't let fall.

Howl asks Sophie what's hidden in her pocket, so she reaches down and grabs a folded bit of red paper.

"Give it to me" Howl demands in the same soft voice.

As Howl went to grab it, it burnt his whole hand. Asher gasps and grabs his gloved hand catching everyone's attention. Howl quickly looks back at the note not caring at all.

"Scorch marks, Howl can you read them" gasps Markl surprised.

"That is ancient sorcery and it's quite powerful too" Sophie leans in to get a closer look.

"It's from the wizard of the waste" Markl asks concerned and surprised.

'You who swallowed a fallen star
Oh heartless man
Your heart shall soon belong to me
Along with your cherished one' Howl read out loud "that can't be good for the table" Howls says as he removes the mark.

"Wow it's gone" Markl gasps in surprise.

"The mark may be gone, but the spell is still there" Howl says as he stands up "excuse me my friends please continue your meal. Calcifer move the castle sixty miles to the west" he orders while giving him the rest of his food. As Howl walks up the stairs he stops "while your at it make hot water for my bath" he orders as he finishes the rest of the stairs

"Fine like moving the castle isn't hard enough" Calcifer responds sarcastically.

Asher quickly excuses himself from the table and heads to his room but is stopped by a voice.

"Hang in there kid, it will get better" Calcifer offers with a smile. Asher just nods and finishes the rest of the stairs.

When Asher walks past his room he is bumped into by Howl who just glares at him and says "move" and continues his walk to the bathroom leaving Asher sitting on the floor.

Asher quickly enters his room, locking the door and falling asleep.

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