Prologue ≫ Welcome to Paris

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Written: February 5th, 2019
20:35 / 8:35 PM

"Paris," the words slipped from your voice in a soft tone as you placed your hands on the silver railings to the patio of you and your mother's new home. It was a comfy spot in the middle of town, it was a rather small apartment but roomy enough for two. Turning back to the living room you glanced over all the boxes you had yet to unpack. "Ahh," a smile crept onto your face despite the tired sigh.

"You sound tired there kiddo," your mother commented, carrying in the last few moving boxes into the house. "Why don't you take a little break? Explore the city a bit!" She suggested, a grin plastered on her bright cherry lips.

"But what about you?" You asked in a concerned tone, you didn't want to leave your mother with the duty of unpacking a house worth of objects by herself. But mother was always confident and head strong like that so it's not like she couldn't handle it.

"I'll be fine!" She said, making her way over to you. Pressing her hand on your back she gently forced you to walk along with her to the door, "it's good to know your general area, so take a look around," as we got to the front door of the apartment she pushed me out and held the door open, "be back before 8, sweetie, love you!" Mom chirped before slamming the door shut.

The only choice you had was to give into your mothers words. You smiled as you walked out of the apartment building and onto the street. New places usually caused you to feel extremely anxious and nervous, but being in such a popular and beautiful city like Paris seemed to calm you. The trees, people, building, cars, they all had their own style to it, which made Paris a unique and wonderful place. You were lucky to be able to move here, very lucky. As you continued to walk down the street your head began to hang low, all these people you didn't know caused you to begin fidgeting with your fingers as your esteem plummeted. Around others you were extremely shy, nervous, you always struggled making friends because of how hard it was for you to talk to other kids, but moving here has given you the opportunity to start fresh, make new friends, change yourself for the better.

Reaching into your pocket you felt the jewelry box your father had given you before descending to Paris. Sadly, your father wasn't able to come with you and your mom to Paris due to his work. Gazing down at the black box imprinted with red markings, you placed your finger on the surface of the box feeling the texture of the symbols. Father had told you to only open this box when you were in a time of doubt, or need. You respected your fathers wishes so you haven't even as much as peeked at the jewelry. Nor did you question your father, you loved him, and you understood that at some times he could be really wacky and strange, but you appreciated that side of him. Taking in a deep breathe of air you shoved the black box into your jacket.

After your short walk you returned to your apartment. As you slid open the door you watched as your mother was hard at work, she nearly finished half the work. Smiling to yourself you walk in, shutting the door behind you. "Need some help?" you asked, causing your mothers face to brighten up.

"Thank goodness you're back, sweet heart!" your mother grinned, passing you a half full box. "Yeah, honestly, I could really use your help finishing up," she admitted, taking out some objects from another box laying on the couch.

As the sun began to set you and your mother plopped onto the couch in exhaustion. She turned her head to me, "you have school tomorrow, so it's best you get some rest now," you merely nodded at her statement. The sudden realization that you had to go to a new school tomorrow caused butterflies to arise in your stomach.

"Yeah, you're right," you commented, getting up from the couch and slowly making your way to your bedroom.

"Thanks for helping out," she grinned over to you. "No problem mother," you replied, a smile planted on your lips, "Goodnight," your final words slipped out of your mouth as you closed the door to your room.

Finished: February 6th, 2019
19:47 / 7:47 PM

Word Count ≫ 852
Written by Badlittle Albatraoz ( Violet )

Authors Note:
          Hii, I'm Violet, I've never written a self insert / x reader before, so I honestly don't know if I'm doing it right, but that's fine! I hope you guys enjoy my writing cuz I absolutely love to write. I never really get the time to either but I've been able to clear up some time. I don't know if I'll ever be able to finish this story but I'll try to get chapters out for ya'll to read. Love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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