Studying, but not studying

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I'm about to sleep when someone knocks on my bedroom's door.
Guess who?


The night is becoming pretty late and I'm studying diligently in my room. I look at the ticking clock, it's nearly 11pm and it's been 3 hours and half since I started studying. I get up and do some stretching to ease up the stiff muscles. I decide to land on the bed, resting for a bit or probably taking a short nap. As my eyes slowly are closing on me, the bedroom's door is knocked. I tell whoever is at the door to come in. The door is opened to reveal Sagang, having a grin on his face. I notice him gripping a book as he steps inside, closing the door carefully. I sit up immediately.

"Hi, noona," he greets, taking a seat on the edge of your bed.

"How the hell you're here? How did you get in here?" I ask confusedly, frowning at him.

"Through the door, of course," Sagang tells, pretending to be confused as well.

I fold my arms across my chest and stare at him, demanding the answer. Sagang breaks into a hearty laugh seeing how serious I am.

"Chill, noona. Sheesh. Your mom let me in," he explains shortly.

"Just like that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"With excuses, of course. It would be weird if just like that," he grins, displaying his set of white teeth. "I told her midterm exam is coming so I gotta ask you some questions."

"That explains the book," I comment, nodding. "So are you actually here for the question?"

"Actually I am," Sagang says, flipping through the pages of his book.

"Oohh Jeong Sagang. What's up with you?" I tease excitedly, taking the book he passed.

I stare at the book for a moment, feeling my eyes very heavy suddenly. I look up at him and meet his brown eyes.

"Do you want to cuddle?" I ask, melancholy. I blink feeling my eyes sting. Sagang is a bit taken aback by the sudden question, but soon realizes that I'm half asleep. His lips curve into an amusing smile.

"I'd love to. But what if your mom suddenly comes in?" he questions, looking at me straight in the eyes. He seems a bit worried.

"Wait here," I tell, then get up from the bed and walk out from my room, heading for kitchen. I didn't forget to fetch my almost empty water bottle as well. Usually at this hour, my mom would be preparing some snacks for me, probably quicker since Sagang is here.

I was right.

I approach my mother who is diligently pouring drink into two glasses. She looks up, getting alert by my presence.

"I'm about to take the snacks to you," she says.

I give her a sweet smile, walking straight to the fridge. "I know. I need to refill my water," I reply, refilling the bottle with water. "I'll bring the tray to my room so you can go to sleep, mom."

I return to the room, bringing the tray together. When I open the door, I find Sagang is already lying comfortably on my bed, flipping through the book he brought earlier.

"My my, you treat my bed as yours it seems," I say, sounding stern. I set the tray on my desk, closing the door. Sagang lowers his book and only shows his eyes.

"We're gonna cuddle anyway," he says boldly, grinning brightly.

"Wow," I clap my hands. "When did you become so bold?"

Sagang shrugs, setting aside his book. "Well, I've always been bold."

I roll my eyes at his reply, earning a small laugh from him. "Let's waste no time. I need a short nap."

Sagang opens his arm as I plop down on the bed, right into his arm. I snake my arm around his torso, snuggling to him. I bury my face on his chest.

"You smell good," I say in muffled voice. I can practically imagine him smiling by my comment.

"Your hair smells very nice, noona," he compliments, kissing my hair.

I look up at him and flash him a sweet smile. "Thanks, I just washed my hair. I'm going to nap a bit. Wake me up in 20 minutes."

"Alright, noona," Sagang tells, gently caressing my hair. I hear him softly humming to a lullaby as I drift into dreamland. Honey voice, indeed.

My eyes flutter opened to the peaceful sleeping face of the love of my heart. Sagang has his both hands wrapped around me. I blink my eyes, washing away the sleepiness.

"Sagang ah," I call to wake him up, sounding slightly groggy. He doesn't react at first but later hums.

"Sagang ah. Wake up," I say, louder this time. "How could you fall asleep when I told you to wake me up?"

"I was sleepy," he answers, adjusting his position as he wraps his hands tighter around me. "Can't help."

I heave a sigh and give a good stare at his face. I run my finger over his face, starting from forehead down to nose and lastly his lips.

"That tickles," Sagang whines, still shutting his eyes tight.

I turn my body around and reach for my smart phone on the night stand. I unlock it to check at the time. My eyes widen in surprised. Apparently, I've overslept for nearly two hours. I try to get up by wiggling my way out from Sagang's grip but to no avail. He's hugging me tight, literally. I turn to Sagang.

"Sagang ah," I call, trying to get him to wake up. "Sagang ah. Wake up. It's really late."

Sagang makes a sound and continues to sleep. I exhale sharply and roll my eyes.

"Such a baby," I mutter under my breath, heaving a long sigh. I take a deep breath, bracing myself for the next sentence.

"Oppa!~ Wake up, please!~"

Sagang's eyes shoot up at once, looking at me in horror. Yes, horror. He releases his grip on me, sitting up afterwards.

"Now you wake up," I say, getting up as well.

"Noona," he calls, pouting his lips. "Don't do that again, please."

I smile in satisfaction watching his plead. Sagang's greatest horror is me acting cute after being frustrated. It's kind of a warning before a storm coming. Oh, joking. My cute acting is just too excessive that he can't take it, sometimes.

"Get your book. Let's settle your question asap, and then go home. Get it, Jeong Sagang?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Noona," Sagang calls.


"Can you call me oppa again?" he asks, smiling giddily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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