Chapter 7: Always Stuck With the Bastard (Me)

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March 12, 2019

I believe I will let this be my last entry for this blog, sorry followers! J<3

I have told my parts of the story and purpose that I have wanted to share with you, and now I must move on with my plan. Is it my God-given plan, or is it only God's? Well, that's for me to know and for you to wonder on.

But of course, before I do move on, I must briefly at least tell of the last night of decisions that led to this final plan.


I did not know it was possible for a human to be this angry. My hands jerked, threw a jab at the stand containing a crystal ash tray, then returned to my sides. I considered lighting a cigarette. Damn I needed one, but I couldn't bring myself to, I'd tear the pack in half. I'd tear my face off and pull the burning eyes out. I wanted to skin the emotion off myself.

My apartment was always clean, compulsively so. Very simple décor and style. But after only 20 minutes after being back from the Midtakers' house, it resembled something of a hell hole. Fitting, I thought, because this was Hell. I paced into my bedroom, but found the bookshelves and desk too closing on my presence. I paced, and paced again.

She's the devil, I determined first.

That damned little—

I verbally let out a string of curses, specifically dedicated to Sarah Midtaker.

They both have to die, I determined second. I can't have Clarence without taking Sarah with me, she's a blockade.

It has to be tonight, I determined finally.

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