Yet Another Tag!

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Hi folks!  It's me, back with another tag.  I was tagged by @elenrith and @LevyHome, thank you guys :))))

1.) Do you fancy someone?

Yeah, I suppose so.

2.) Do they like me?

I mean, we're friends, so... In that way, yes.  I don't think that's what this is talking about though hehe

3.) Middle name?

Anybody want to guess?  It's a girl name, I'll tell you that much XD

4.) Single or taken?

......................see questions 1 and 2

5.) Last person you texted?

A group chat on discord

6.) Last song you listened to?

Well, I was listening to "Waving Through a Window" but then "This is Me" came on.  By the time I finish this it'll probably be something else.  (edit- it is now "Never Give Up On Your Dreams by TSFH)

7.) Battery %?

100 and still plugged in, woo!

8.) Girl best friend?

@Swoopinghawk is my absolute best friend in person.  And probably my favorite person.  Love you <3        But on here I know lots of amazing people too ahhhh

9.) Boy best friend?

I wouldn't say I have a "boy best friend."  But two boys that are good friends of mine are Ben and Timothy.  

@Silverhand19 is awesome here on Wattpad, but other than that I don't really talk to guys on here.

10.) Favorite ship name?

Erm, I ship Luna and Neville from Harry Potter, but idk what their ship name would be *shrug*

11.) Lock screen?

Well, I'm using a computer right now, but my screen saver on there is this-

Well, I'm using a computer right now, but my screen saver on there is this-

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12.) Birthday?

That, my friends, is for me to know and you to wonder forever *mystical hand motions*


@MiddleEarth111 @MamaStreet @WeaverOfIce @Jabberwocky31 @TolkienFan43 @rh27writer @ThatOneWriter2001

Anyone else who sees this is welcome to it as well!  Have a good day!

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