Chapter 1: The Starting Brick to Friendship

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The focus is on Anne while she is drawing something for a request. She struggles and groans as she is trying to draw the pony's hair.

Anne: Ugh, why is the hair so hard to draw?!

[Anne starts doodling the hair once again and chucks the sketchbook aside in frustration.]

Anne: I have better things to do than this!

[Anne goes to her computer to watch videos by some of her favorite artists, and doodles as she watches the videos.]

[The focus shifts to a young man who's name is clearly Oliver by the driver license laying on the nightstand in his room. The alarm clock rings for the poor boy and he groans as he turns over and covers his head with the pillow. The alarm clock continues, and he throws the pillow onto the alarm clock and gets up.]

Oliver: Another day of suffering... Goodie.. (sarcastically)

[He gets out of bed, and heads over to the bathroom to get ready, and the shot goes to where he is brushing his teeth and then combing his hair. Oliver smiles to himself as he looks in the mirror.]

Oliver: At least, after school, I can do the things I like.

[Oliver gets in his car, and his younger siblings get in with him carrying their bookbags. Olivers sibling's get on their phones as Oliver starts driving over to their schools. The scene skips to him being in the parking lot of the school and locking his car.]

Oliver: Alright, I gotta get going. I have a paper due that I should finish up this morning.

[Oliver goes over to his friend group who were playing on their gaming devices.]

Oliver: what y'all playing? (he said curiously)

Blake: Dinoball Ultimate! It just came out, and man, this game is great!

Grubby: Even the specials are freaking incredible; you should play with us sometime!

Oliver: Maybe, but right now I'm busy with this paper that's due pretty soon.

Grubby: Alrighty, then. Good luck with your paper!

[Oliver smiles and laughs gently.]

Oliver: Alright, thanks.

[The shot goes back to Anne who is casually looking at Oliver, but then is bothered by one of her friends that had just arrived.]

Boom: Anne! Hey!

[Anne's attention suddenly goes to Dynamite (Boom) and she looks at him surprised.]

Anne: Oh hey! I thought you weren't ever gonna arrive!

Boom: Yeah my brother keeps sleeping late, and I can't leave without him.

[Anne groans.]

Anne: I wish he would move his big butt! Anyways... -

Boom: Yes, I got the money for today. we can go to Chicken Willy's.

Anne: Yay!! Finally we can eat!

Boom: SUreee.. -you say that every week-

Anne: Oh sHut it yOu!

[Anne sighs.]

[Anne looks at Oliver, and his friends for a little bit, and then looks to Dynamite.]

Anne: You know.. I've known Oliver for a while, but.. Should I try to talk to him?

Boom: Why not? He seems nice. I know Checkers has talked with him, and he is friends with Oliver and them.

[Anne is shocked and looks at Dynamite.]

Anne: You know what now??!

Boom: Yeah, Checkers has talked to him.

[Anne shivers and holds her head.]

Anne: Ugh, how do I approach him. It's kinda hard when we never really talked before...

Boom: Maybe just go up and say hi, and then talk about a anime y'all like. I heard he's into anime of any kind.

[Anne, looking even more worried, replies:

Anne: I don't watch anime, Boom!! Ugh, I'll never make friends..

[Anne looks miserable, and Dynamite scratches his chin thinking.]

Boom: Maybe you can figure out an anime he likes, and after watching it, start the conversation with that?

Anne: How am I supposed to figure out that info.. There's no use there's no way I ca-

[Oliver is suddenly next to the depressed Anne, and Oliver asks with his quiet voice.]

Oliver: Hey Anne, do you have the notes from Wednesday?

[Anne sits up immediately, and trying so hard to keep her composure, looks up at Oliver and asks:

Anne: W..what did you say?

Oliver: Do you have the notes from Wednesday of last week?

Anne: I.. I'm flattered you're asking me, but I have the worst handwriting on Earth.

Oliver: Nahh.. You're fine, besides our class is pretty chaotic. I can't imagine them actually doing work, even if it was for notes.

[Anne lightly give a nervous chuckle.]

Anne: Right.... Ok, but again; I warned you..

[Anne looks in her folder, and hands Oliver the notes that looks just like egyptian writing and Oliver smiles.]

Oliver: Thank you! I'll hand these to you when we are in third block!

Anne: Alright, thank you!

[Oliver leaves and goes back to his table; as he is sitting there writing, and Anne is just shocked at what happened. Dynamite can't help but smile and say:

Boom: Well, you just got your starting point!

Anne: He asked me for notes. It's not like he asked me out on a date!

[Anne covers her mouth suddenly and groans.]

Anne: Dang it! Please don't tell anyone my secret.

[Dynamite zips his mouth shut, and smiles as Anne smiles as well.]

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