Feathers, Chapter Two

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"Welcome to Hogwarts." The mysterious woman said, extending an arm back towards the castle. "If you would follow me please." Her voice was gentle but commanding, the students following eagerly to see what was in store for them. Diana found herself separated by Remus in the wave of students, but found him again when they approached a large lake that surrounded the castle.

The woman in emerald green robes turned around to face the students, several small rowboats behind her, each with it's own small lantern on the bow. "Please get into groups of two to four and get into the boats, they will move on their own accord. Please keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times." She said, getting into the first boat herself, waiting for the students to follow.

Soon enough, students were clambering towards each other, grouping together and already climbing in the boats. As she said only 4 a boat, Remus and Diana ended up taking a separate boat than James, Sirius and Peter, but still close enough to goof around.

Diana found it all captivating, gliding across the serene lake towards the large castle that would be their home, lanterns lighting the way. It brought a sense of calm to her as she extended a hand that brushed the water as they went, and she could swear she felt a soft gaze on her, but was too entranced to look.

After a good hour of smooth sailing, the boats glided into the docks, students climbing out giggling, some throwing up and others needing to be supported by their peers. Diana made her way out of the boat with her things, Remus close behind as they made their way to the castle.

The walk wasn't long, but long enough that Diana had a chance to look up at the night sky. The stars were twinkling against the darkness, lighting up the sky. She smiled at the magic of it all, knowing this would be one of her best memories, before continuing down the path.

Up close the castle was much larger and grand, looking almost intimidating. It was obviously old, but still standing after all of this time. The woman led them inside the main entrance through large double doors, and looking back Diana could see intricate and large designs.

They walked up the stairs, a large swarm of students heading towards the unknown and eagerly awaited. Finally, the woman stopped, turning to face the students once more, just at the top of the stairs. Behind her you could see a large hall, filled with light and laughter, students of all ages conversing.

"Settle down please, settle down." The woman said, the chatter of the first years simmering down, all attention on the woman. "When you walk through these doors, the first thing you will do is be sorted. Hogwarts sorts it's students into four houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. These houses are the people you will live with, study with, take classes with, and participate in school events with. You will be grouped based on your key traits, among other things. Once you are sorted you will sit at the appropriate table, shown by the colors the students are wearing. All of your belongings will be sent to the appropriate common room, as well as pets and miscellaneous items. Now, right this way please." She finished, turning around and heading into the great hall.

The students followed in rows of two to four, most taking in the grand sight of the well named Great Hall. Above them were candles, magical candles floating in the air, and above them was what looked like the night sky, replacing the ceiling. In the Great hall itself were four long tables, filled with students wearing robes and black pointed hats, large flags hanging proudly above each table. In front of them was a long table filled with teachers, although the table was horizontal instead of vertical. In the very middle sat an older man with white hair and a long beard, dressed in elegant robes. He must be the Headmaster, Diana thought as the first years came to a stop.

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