-One Month Ago-

30 4 2

Mr. Bang called the remaining seven trainees left into the dance practice room. One by one they filed in. The youngest being 14, the oldest being 25.

"Ladies, I have decided to only debut three of you. Because of this, four of you will be going home."

The seven looked at each other with a face of puzzled and worrisome written on all of them.

"Yes, sir," they said in unison.

"This leads me to the next competition. I'm going to divide you up into three teams. Two of two, one of three. One group will be solely based on rapping, one on singing, and one on dancing. The people in your group are going to be going head to head in the next competition. The winners from each group is my new debuting team. I hope those who will be going home see the mistakes they might've made and try to fix them and come back again for more training," he gave the orders sternly.

Mr. Bang, then, started splitting them up.

"Atsumi, HaYoon, and JiAh, all of your strongest points are dancing. You guys will either put together your own dance, or cover a male artist dance," he said letting the girls go out in the hall and wait for the rest.
Back inside the room, he continued, "MinJae and Haneul. You guys will be writing me a two-three minute song by yourself and singing it to me. If you choose not to, you will do two song covers. Thank you. You may go out in the hall with the others and wait."
"Thank you, sir."

A smile drew on the girls' faces thinking to themselves that they would be able to demolish the other.

"And last, but not least, Chunhua and JiYeon. You guys will be doing the same as the singers, but, of course, rapping."

"Thank you, sir."

Mr. Bang Shiyokk followed the last two girls outside and into the hallway. Lined up in their groups, Mr. Bang started talking to them again.

"I hope you all impress me. Never give less than what you're expected of. You all have great potential. Do not disappoint me."
"Yes, sir," they said in unison.


A/N: I know this chapter was incredibly short, I just wanted it to be a basic "intro" chapter I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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