1: the beginning

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ambers POV

"hey my name is amber. amber bailey, I'm 16 and as you guys know I'm here with my bestfriend.."

I was making a new youtube video with taylor when suddenly..

"amber it's time for dinner." my dad says and ruines the whole video.

taylor turns around and looks at my dad as I do the same.

"dad we're trying to make a video we'll be down in a second." I said sternly hoping he would leave.

"ok, but make sure you guys don't do any funny bussiness." he walks out and smirks when he says it.

we both just die of laughter.

"hey amber.. I've been wanting to tell you something but I didn't really know how to say it and all but we've know eachother for a while and I was wondering if-" he was cut off by my brother running in the room and yelling "taylor and amber sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-" he stopped there when I ran up to him and shoved him out of my room.

"wanna get some dinner I'm getting hungry." I say to taylor as I walk out the door and down the stairs.

Taylor's POV

"yeah sure!" I put on a fake smile and walked with amber down stairs. I was really hoping I could tell her that I was in love with her but her family members surly end up getting in the way. she's so beautiful with her beach blonde hair and her bright blue eyes. she was tan and a beach baby. that's all she wanted was the beach. but she was just different from any other girl. she is confident she's not afraid to show up she's herself.

"wait taylor you can't like her" I whisper to myself so she can't hear me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when amber yelled across the hall.

"taylor get some while you can!!" i walked over and saw they were having spaghetti and I wasn't missing any of it. I rushed over to the pot and dug in.

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