Chapter 1: The Decision

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This takes place in Austin, TX! Meet Lisa Lemon, a 16 year old spy and high school student. (Main Character) Lisa has brown eyes, brown hair, and olive skin. Also, a nerd! YAY!


I was already ten minutes into my 7th period Math class when I got a note from the office reading

Lisa Lemon- family emergency- urgent

I packed up my backpack and went outside where the S.S.A. leader was sitting in her car. (S.S.A. stands for Super Spy Agency) I should've known it would be her, it always is. I climbed into the passenger seat and she started driving. We didn't speak the entire car ride. When we arrived at the S.S.A. agency headquarters, I knew that I was to be given a job. Who knows what it will be this time? I get out of the car and walk through the front doors. I wait for the leader as she leads me to a conference room. When I open the door, there is already a few people in there. One of the people in the room Scooter Braun and another person is Pattie Malette. (Sorry if I spelled it wrong.) weird... I shake hands with them and take a seat at the table.

The leader starts off the meeting "Welcome. I am Lou Lambkins, leader of S.S.A. Scooter and Pattie, I would like to introduce you to Lisa Lemon, one of our best teenage spies." They both say hi and give a wave. I wave back kindly. Lou exclaims "Lisa, you were called out of school because Justin Bieber was kidnapped by who knows. We need you to find him and rescue him. Will you save him?" I should've known it would be something to do with him since Pattie and Scooter are here. I don't know him and I all I know is he is a celebrity. Why aren't they hiring someone bigger and better? I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask. "What are you doing in Austin if I may ask? Why aren't you guys hiring someone bigger and better than me at this?"

Scooter answered "We are in Austin to visit where Justin will be performing a mini concert. We heard how good you were and well you probably won't go in to the area where he is and start shooting at everyone. Also, the kidnappers probably have no idea who you are. Are you saying you won't do it?" well, they showed me... I answer "I'll do it. No partners and no giant weapons." Scooter and Pattie smiled. At least they were pleased.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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