Chapter 17: ... Continued...

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I just want to write up a quick thank you to everyone who helped me find the answers this game is in so desperate need of solutions for. I worked tirelessly for five weeks writing up the outline, and then revising the outline. coming up with over 50 pages of just notes, which I will share on google docs. It’s available for anyone to comment. this way anyone can contribute their ideas, and I don’t have to worry about anything getting deleted. I encourage anyone to look through it if they have plans of writing their own story, or anything like that. It doesn’t cover everything but I figured if I put this much work into this. And found so much information, it wouldn't be right to keep it to myself.

My notes:

On reviews. ^^ I ALWAYS look forward to reviews. Especially on this story because I’m quite literally being a perfectionist on it. If you want to state that you had a different theory than the one I had feel free to. :) I’ll welcome it actually. Just keep in mind. I’m not the creater of HetaOni. Just as they do, I have my own bias (even if I tried to remain as neutral as I could) and no matter what I do, it would never be quite the same as the creator. So keep in mind that this is how I see the game ending, if you review (please review!) <3 Also! If you feel I've missed something, or something something doesn't quite make sense somewhere, please tell me (both review and PM are fine), just don't be rude about it. I will in turn do my best to correct this. thank you all.

Because of the large size of chapters I will break them apart into "parts" like you see in the game plays. HetaOni cut us off at chapter 17 part 1/2 so I'll continue from there. Although my chapters will have more parts after that. However I've decided the best way to go about uploading these chapters would be by chapter. So you can expect large updates... but only once a month, since I need to write and then revise each chapter first.

See you on the other side.

Chapter 17: Disappearance ...Continued...

Aaah…Here we go again...

Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder… If this story will ever have an end…

Eh, I guess we will find out later, won’t we?

Now as time marches on…

“What’s wrong?” Germany looked to Japan’s surprised expression with curiosity and a little concern.

“I-Italy?” Japan didn’t answer him but his eyes grew wider, even while he remained otherwise frozen with his hand on Italy’s still face.

By this point Prussia was getting concerned too. What was going on? Why was Japan suddenly freaking out over Italy?! “Hey! What’s wrong?!”

Japan began to shake Italy, as if trying to wake him, “Italy! Italy!”

“J-Japan?” Germany responded with shock. What had gotten into Japan all of a sudden?

“Italy! Please you have to wake up!” Japan continued to shout, paying no attention to Germany or Prussia.

All the noise caused the others in the room to rush over. “What is going on over here? We heard a lot of shouting,” France asked.

HetaOni: Time Marches OnWhere stories live. Discover now