Part I - Athena

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Running. All I've been doing is running. I refuse to do it anymore. Revenge is the only thing on my mind at this point. It's been the only thing on my mind since we were forced in this 'academy' by 'King' Henry. He had always disliked witches and warlocks because of our powers so locking them up, banishing them to live just off the border of the kingdom, lost in the woods. His best idea?

The kingdom of Wildflock. A sweet little hell hole. Ruled under the thumb of King Henry Wilson. In the kingdom lived both Mortals and Magi. These two races kept out of each other's way. This kept the town in Harmony. Mortals had vendors for their foods and Magi had vendors for their necessities.

Once, the King had desperately enlisted the help of a witch as his daughter had fallen deathly ill. This had been due to her being born with powers despite both her parents being completely mortal. A rare condition. The mortal body, unable to hone the powers, will die. The witch did what she could. She connected the daughters powers with a necklace, trapping it within its glass walls. As long as the princess had possession of the gem she could live freely and not worry about her power. The strongest power in all the five kingdoms. Unaware and oblivious to the kings knowledge of magic, some spells have drawbacks in order to keep them from becoming too overpowered. Usually it affected the spell caster or the target. Rarely did it affect bystanders. This one affected the target. If the gem falls into the wrong hands she could be controlled. If it breaks, she would die. But in order for the spell to break and her to be free she would need to genuinely, really, with all her heart fall in love with someone. It broke with true love's kiss.

Having heard of this the king became furious. Out of anger he collected all the Magi in the kingdoms and banished them to a building in the five kingdoms forest where they are to live in fear. To keep the mortal population from worrying, he called it 'The Academy of Dark Arts'

The building looked similar to apartment buildings or dormitory at a college, except more depressing, somehow. Guards lined the hallways by the main entrance and some littered the various hallways to make sure everything worked.

The young worked in the building usually cooking means and cleaning or even work for the guards, doing their dirty work such as cleaning their boots or laundry and various other enduring labors. The adults were taken to life threatening jobs and barely managing to scrounge up two dollars. Taking jobs no mortal would ever even dream of having. This went on for years. It's hardest for the witch that 'cursed' the child.

Later that same witch had children of her own. She named them after what she wanted her children to bring. Gifts. The eldest, a blonde, gifted to bring peace to the races. The girl called Harmony.

The second, a boy. He is to bring luck and fortune to everyone. Unable to name the brunette boy luck, she name him similarly to it. Like.

Lastly a girl named for both strength and intelligence. A redhead called Athena.

I am Athena.

When I turned 15 the guards were given orders to attack us because of a false rumor given by a merchant. A traveling one at that. Sadly a word is a word and the guards did as they were told. They invaded and slaughtered. Murdering our kind. They were to mainly the elders. Especially one of them, my mother.

I want revenge

Three years later and the day I escaped seemed tricky. In the my family's apartment I explained to my sibling the plan.

"It's way too dangerous. I won't let you go." Luke said, sitting across from me at the table.

"I want to, I need to. For us, for our kind...for mom. You need to trust me." I answered him.

"I do trust you Athena, and we're all hurt about mom, doesn't mean you have to do this."

"Oh leave her alone Lukey." Harmony chimed in grabbing something from the closet.

"But she's gonna get hurt! She's our baby sister and I'm going to be protective over her!"

"And I'm only than both of you and I say she goes. She's powerful enough and I have faith in her. Especially with this." She placed a rectangular box on the table. "Both of us are more like dad. Athena is similar to mom. Mom must have known this, that's why she gave her her pendent." Harmony continued.

I placed my hand of the thing around my neck. A duplex moon with antique silver crescent and a blue full moon. My eyes darted to the box. A deep red box with yellow string. Like a present you would revive on Christmas. Lengthwise it laid long, similar to that of a shoebox. Harmony must have noticed my staring for she pulled the string off, lifting the lid of the box. Inside, the handle of my mother's staff paid on top of a brown felt and a black cloth.

I reached in grabbing the dark colored handle. I moved from the table closing my eyes, willing for it to open. A bright blue light hit my face as I felt the pendent life from where it resides on my chest.

"I knew it." Harmony whispered faintly to our brother.

As my eyes fluttered open the bright light faded and my pendent rested on my chest. The staff now in my hand. A long silver wood staff with a crab claw shape at the top which help a sphere of some blue, similar to the one of the pendent. Harmony pulled out a tattered brown felt and a piece of brown cloth. A few slots had been filled with a variety of bottles filled with various colored liquids. I could only assumed they were potions. One spot remained open and perfect size to fit the staff handle. With a less dramatic closing I slide it into the open pocket and tied it to my waist.

The black silk cloth , soft to the touch. With it dark outer lining it has a dark green inner with a hood.

"I wish you the best of luck." Harmony whispered grabbing my shoulder. "Now get out before they figure out what your doing."

She pushed me out of the room and onto my quest. There is no turning back now.

Word count: 1104

Chapter One: The MindWhere stories live. Discover now