~First time~

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It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the lover. -Marge Piercy

Her day has just started, it was chilly outside and she feels the cool breeze as it caresses her face with delight. Yes, it's her day...
Unknown from what was going to happen on this very day she eagerly typed the number and "ring ring"
"Oh hi!"
"sorry I couldn't come to college I wasn't feeling well"
"Oh no babe, it's okay you take care of yourself and also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"
"ahahaha thank you so much boo! I love you!"
"I love you too pooh"
A bright smile tugged on her face, she excitedly and suddenly asks "you coming over?"
"to your place? sure.. is that alright? like what about your parents and siblings?"
"Oh no.. it's fine no one's at home and before they come you could easily leave"
"okay then, here I come!!"

she hangs up and dances like a kid who's just gotten a toy she wanted for so long. The bell rings and she opens the door letting the cool breeze touch her giving the chills, this time not only the cold wind gave her shivers but the person standing in front of her who looked at her with the most appealing eyes ever! He instantly wraps her arms around her and gives her a small kiss on the forehead. Closing the door behind she turns around and he instantly pulls her up like she weighed nothing, she feels like she's floating in the air as no one has ever carried her like this before. They kiss like they were craving for each other for the longest period and it was actually the longest for them.

Slowly he takes her up where the bed is.
Well she's a shy person so she hesitates going up and comes down telling she was hungry and needs something to eat first, he waits for her to come up again and she comes holding a plate of apple like a fool. Keeping it between both she takes a bite and offers him to eat, instead he says "I'd like to eat you baby"
Surprised she snaps at him and in an instance his lips was on hers and the atmosphere just went from chilly cold to freaky hawt!

She wraps her arms around him brushing her hands over his messy damp hair realising he's just had a shower. Taking in his scent made her feel so much better, how bad she had missed him! They kiss passionately, they pull away gasping for air, their swalloan lips wanting for more they kiss again turning eachother into a hot mess.

Tracing the curves of her body with his fingertips giving her pleasurable sensations, he grabs her waist and picks her up laying her on the bed with him. She becomes more curious and nervous of what he's gonna do next, this was her first time experiencing all this after all. As he starts to unbutton her dress she places her hand over his chest breathing heavily, he gives her a concern look and places a peck on her forehead and she releases a sigh of relief loosening her grip over him and nods. He continues to undress her, taking off all the clothes off her then his. He rakes her body with burning eyes as he takes all her beauty in, dying to worship the lady he loves just the way she needed to be. She flusters as he gives her a pantydropping smile, he runs his hands all over her naked glory and stops just above her hips, playing with the lace of her panties he teases her with soft touches on her inner thighs, crooks of her pussy lines and everywhere else. A moan escapes her mouth and he grins, he surely knows how to make a woman feel good.

Removing her panties finally, he rubs his thumbs over her clit making her shake in anticipation, moaning she pushes herself to feel his teasing touches more intensely as he gets the hint and starts sliding his sleek fingers more vigorously intensifying the effect. Greedy for more she pleads him to do the next, he nods and slides his hands inside her pussy, her soaking pussy clenches with pain as she moans loudly. Thrusting his finger back and fourth gently at first and later speeds up the pace finding her g-spot as she cries out with an orgasm, they both growl with pleasure.

He places himself between her legs and spreads it with both his hands carefully, her legs trembles crazily with fear imagining how bad it would hurt her little innocent pussy seeing his bigass cock underneath. He takes out a foil of latex and asks her to roll it on with a smirk, she does what and how she's told to, she likes it that way. Grabing her waist after intervening both her legs up his waist, he starts pushing into her slowly and very cautiously not to hurt her much, she screams aloud with pain feeling her stretch from the intervention of his dick as she gasps at the final thrust to realise it was totally in. He holds his head back at the pain his dick suffers as she was so tight and raw yet so ready and fresh. The feeling of him inside her made everything surreal, nothing in the world mattered to them at this moment, they were so lost in eachother.

Rubbing off a tear from her face he smiles and gives a look of assurance which made her relief and she smiles back with consent. He starts to move once the pain dulled and her pussy stretched enough for him to continue, he pushes himself slowly groaning with this new feeling of ecstasy while she moans with the same pleasure and the sweet ache she receives with every gentle thrust. He thrusts deeper and deeper making her squirm and roll her eyes from the unbearable pleasure she's deriving. Their demons moan with ecstasy!

They fuck like there's no tomorrow, their very first time fucking and they're at it with so much passion and love. With every thrust the fuel of LoveLust inside them ignified, never losing eachother's sight, their eyes sparkling with satisfaction and completeness. Fuck what others say, all they care about eachother and if at all this was wrong, they were more than happy being at the wrong.

Sex is a way to express love and it further helps to make the bond more stronger and inseparable, if a couple has understanding and are very trustworthy they don't fear being intimate with the person they love. They surrender themselves to one another making them one. Love making is a beautifully natural phase written by nature whereas people tend to show agony in the front of the society but also have their own desire and fantasies locked up inside their bedrooms.

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