Chapter 1

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(For all the reading people on this shitty ass story, i warn you ftom the cringe of my grammar and English. And this is my first time writing a Normal fanfic/story or sometholing after long time. Enjoy :))

It's been a year since we emigrated to USA, it's pretty cold here but i'm no little baby to not handle it. -Bendy

No one's Pov btw

It's Friday night and Bendy was leaning his elbows over the fence and streched his body backwards with enjoying of the view he presonaly liked. the view of the night sky, the stars shinning and moon being the bright grey color. Bendy stood there with a goofy smile on his face and eyes slowly falling heavy until he heard the bell rang, that caught him awoke from almost fall asleep.

Bendy walked out from the balcony over the door "coming!" he yelled.  He quickly went to the door, the front door, as he opened them he saw someone familiar. very familiar. He saw Boris who seemed to be very exhausted from walking?? "Hey bro, sorry for not telling you sooner that i'll come home this late." he said and smiled. "Well, it's alright. i'm tired anyway. And oh yeah! i forgot. come in." Bendy said lightly nervous about something and moved to the side to unblock the way for Boris who walked inside with a thank.

Bendy simply smiled at him and closed the door shut. But there was a couple minute or more of silence filling the room. "How was it?" Bendy snapped. But he got no answer. "if this is how you wanna act, then go ahead." he said and decided to go to the kitchen and make something for him, But no. Boris pulled him back into a tight hug and smiled. "i'm sooooo sorry bro. I'm just tooo tired to think.. ok?" Boris whined and his tail waggd happily. "ok, fine. go sleep then. But-" Bendy got cut off by Boris who pet him on head softly and then head to his bedroom.

~little time skip bc i'm getting idealess~

Bendy got awoken by the alarm clock, Once again. 6:45 am.
(who wouldn't hate this time to wake up)
Bendy dragged himself oout of the bed tiredly with a loud groan. "why nowww.? UgHhh.." he said and mumbling it lightly and then opened his closed and pick some casual clothes. A black hoodie with the sleeves fading into sky blue colour and black jeans. After a couple of minutes Bendy got to the kitchen. Again. being greeted by his younger brother. "Ah, Good morning bro! And i made breakfast for you too. " Boris spoke, distracting himself from eating. "thanks and morning to you too." Bendy replied with a forced grin on his face.

As he sat down onto the wooden chair he dig a fork into the meal, putting forkful into mouth. "delicious though." Bendy said and his tail wagged enjoymently.
As they both finished their meal, Boris hurried and made a sandwitch with jam inside and pack it with the books. Then he waved hand as goodbye "Bye bro! I gotta go now!" he said and rushed outside. Slamming the door shut behind him. Bendy slowly wave back before Boris left and get to the working. He washed the dishes and put them back to the cabinet, gently closing it. Bendy sighed to himself, and went to the bathroom to brush his extra shirt hair and bangs?? He tied the back hair with dark grey blue rubber band and then his phone, and some other things into a smaller dark blue backpack. He went outside bwfore closing and locking the front door.

Bendy went to the city or otherwise shopping since they both live near by. As he was walking down the street being distracted on his phone by Accidently cRasH into someone. He backed up quickly and looked up at the tall figure and got cut off before even speaking. "Ah, no. my work..!" A Tall figure spoke, His hair was blonde and some of it were dyed bright blue. His eyes deep red and a Cup as Head.
(this is the part when Bendy meets y'all know Who, kk i'll continue it oof)
"Look,i'm the one who should be apologizing to you...?" Bendy spoke, finally. He kneel down and picked up the fallen papers on ground. Cup wanted to help but he was late for it. "Here, i think these are yours" he spoke a bit quietly and get up and looked up handing the papers. "Thank you, you didn't had to. but By the way, I'm Cuphead!"

Cuphead... that name sounds familiar from somewhere, where was it.. a game?

Cup simply smiled and scruffed up my hair a little. "Hey, stop. And well, I'm Bendy, Bendy Drew." There was visible a bright pink blush spreading across his tiny cheeks. "Nice to meet you then Bendy Drew" Cup quickly replied and pull out his hand. Bendy took his hand and did a handshake and then pull off and fix his scruffed hair. "I'msorry for the second time. Cuphead. i really didn't mean to." He also shooved his phone into his backpack. "It's ok. Accidents happen!" Cup said.

Cup smiled brightly and Bendy's stomach felt the butterflies. he felt ill? or just feeling weirdly/ not himself. "Ok.. but hey! Can we like. meet someday? Or you're busy?" Cup snapped having the little demon blush grow more. "Y-yeah, anytime at.. this Caferia..?" Bendy said pointing at the caferia quickly. Cup nodded and waved bye before running off. in hurry. Bendy stood still waving back, he smiled and then go on the way to the place he wanted to go before.

What is this feeling? Am i getting sick from meeting a nice guy like him? What is happening, why is my stomach acting weirdly. i need answers..

Thank you for reading.

This chapter contain to 1000 words.

See you soon?? Bye.

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