Autobot Aerial Base

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All you knew, was due to your wings (or rotors), you were sent straight to Autobot aerial command. Who knew who you were going to find there? You just knew that there were some people that were... iffy on others due to their nature. Especially those who were former Decepticons who joined up with the Autobots during the peace conference.

However, as soon as you got to the aerial base, several familiar faces began to appear. Jetfire, Air Raid, heck.. even Silverbolt! Odd to see the combiners up here, but they were Aerialbots after all.

Off in the corner were two of the former cons, combiner themselves as well. Moonguard, a triplechanger between a drake and a FA-18 Hornet. The other was Sunbreaker, simply known as a Phoenix.

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