Mixed Up Motives

182 9 4

POV: Perrie

I woke up in a warm bed.

My first thought was: when did I fall asleep?

I sat up, and looked around. I was laying on a plush white bed. Jesy lay with me, and Jade and Leigh were on the floor. The walls of the rooms were white, and there was a window and two doors. One door was open to a bathroom, and the other was closed.

Something wasn't right.

I slipped out from under the sheets and stood up. Where were we?

I noticed a night stand next to me with a phone on the desk. A small card in the corner of the desk read:

"Kalyn's Bed in Breakfast"

My eyes widened. We were in a hotel! After realizing this, I turned to the bed and shook Jesy awake.

"Ugh.... Just three more minutes....." Jesy whined. I rolled my eyes, and said, "Jesy, it's important."

"No it's not... Let me sleep! I don't want to wake up..."

"Do you even remember falling asleep?"

With this, Jesy's eyes flew open. She sat up, and glanced around, just as confused as I was.

I grabbed the card from the desk and tossed it to her. "Get this..." I said. As she read the card, her eyes widened. "Oh my god...."

We woke up the other girls, explained where we were, and we all decided on heading down stairs to the front desk.

The hotel, we found out, was bigger than we thought. Actually, it seemed pretty expensive. First of all, there was an elevator with four floors. We were on the third, so we headed down to the lobby.

When the doors slid open, our jaws dropped.

The lobby had a beautiful fountain in the center, with marble floors. On the right hand side was a large room with tables and cars. At the far end, there was an assortment of stores and shops to get food. On the left, there was a grande desk with mini water falls. I huge fish tank sat in the back of the desk, and a small, plump red-haired lady with glasses sat behind it.

Yeah, I guess expensive is an understatement.

Leigh was the first to come to her senses. She stepped toward the desk and gestured for us to follow. We quickly did, and approached the desk slowly.

"Hello, ladies. How may I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked us, not looking up from her computer.

"Um, hi. We just woke up upstairs with no rememberence-"

"What she means to say is," Jade cute Leigh off, by placing a hand over her mouth, "we don't know where we are and would like a, um, update? Like the time and date..."

The woman nodded. She pulled out an iPhone and read out loud.

"The time? 5:30PM. It's Friday. Anything else?"

"Um... Yes. How far away is Guliette Stadium?" Jesy asked. We went on at eight tonight. Time was important. We had strictly 2:30 hours to get to our places and perform.

"Um... Honey? This is Rhode Island. Boston is about an hour away."

Our jaws dropped for the second time today. Leigh swallowed hard. "Ok, thank you."

The lady nodded, still not noticing our alarm.

We slowly backed away. Before I could process anything, Jade said, "Guys. We need to leave."

"No," Leigh said, "We need to find out who the hell checked us in here."

I placed hand on my bandmate's shoulder. "Easy there. Maybe we should sit over in the restaurant section and talk this over." I suggested. The girls nodded hesitantly. We were still spooked about our whereabouts but we had to sort things out.

We found a table in the back of the room and sat down. "Want me to grab some food?" I suggested.

"Got any money?" Leigh asked. I pulled out a twenty and nodded.

"Be right back..." I said, before turning around and seeing the person I least expected to see here.


Ok.... You got what you asked.

Thanks for those that commented! I got a ton of support off of Instagram! I really didn't know how much you guys liked this story!

Wow! 350+ reads? That's crazy! Can we get to 400 reads? I think yes!

Thanks so much for the support! Love you all :)

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