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"Your eyes, they shine so bright.
I want to save their light."

One where January keeps trying to save the shining bright light around her, but who will save the shadows?

please remember that I warned you, read with caution.

Major Character Death.

© violetwiliams 2019


This book is work of reality, painted into months. Every month has their own story, they're all connected and related to each other in their own ways. Each and every book has one story-line based on reality.

If you're easily offended by harsh language I recommend not reading this book, if you are very sensitive and know you can't take character death, / mature content, please don't read this book, (or do but don't say I didn't warn you, because I did, a few times.)



I do NOT support suicide in any way, in fact I've been suicidal for a long time, and I haven't gotten "better" yet. Please, and I ask you to please if you ever feel suicidal or have suicidal thoughts reach out and ask for help, I know that you think that there is no one out there who actually cares about you, or maybe you're just suicidal because you're not happy with who you are, maybe you're not happy with who you live with etc, depression looks different for every single one of us. And I just want you to know that no matter what society paints it to be, asking for help isn't weak or stupid. It's one of the greatest brave things you can do. The world we live in has changed so much from past times. And now it's even seen as weak when you ask for help if you're struggling, and we don't get learnt to ask for help, even when it's one of the things we're going to need the rest of our lives.

So for the last time, I don't support suicide in any way, this book is serious, and I wrote it because I want suicide to be a normal daily thing to talk about, I want it to have more attention, because even kids from 7 years old think suicide is the only option out. And I think that that's ridiculous.



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Holland : 09000767
(^ if you're in a suicidal state right at the moment, call 112)
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If I forgot any, please comment or send me a message so that I can update them. And if you don't feel like calling/texting one of these hotlines, please know that you can always reach out to me. I'm always available.



Dear you, reading this book.
First of all, I would like to thank you for taking your time to read this book. Do keep in mind that this is my first book, and that my first language is not English, if I make any mistakes feel free to correct me, although I'm kindly asking you to not judge too harshly.



I'm young, and I haven't experienced much things yet, even though I've been through a few pretty bad things. I try to explain everything as much and as good as I can, I'm honestly doing my best.


Updating Warnings

I update whenever I have time, am free, in the mood, or want to. Please don't tell me to "update faster" or "you're not updating anymore!" I'm sorry if it doesn't match with your schedule, but it does with mine, I want to feel comfortable writing, not forced.


12 February, 2019 8:27 PM.

Thank you.

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