Amanda's Childhood

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Amanda fell to the ground. "Loser." Anna said. She kicked Amanda. "Get up!" She yelled. Amanda did as told. She cut Amanda's leg with her sword, which forced her to fall over. Amanda was crying. She was five years old. "You're weak! No wonder dad likes me better!" Anna yelled. Their father stood on the front porch, watching in amusement. "Shut up!" Amanda screamed. Anna cut her right eye. "There, now you'll know never to speak to me like that again." Anna said. Amanda wouldn't be able to see out of that eye ever again. The father laughed. "If Mom was here-" Amanda started, but Anna kicked her again. "Dad said mom left because of you!" Anna yelled, "get up!" Amanda got up. Their father walked over, and said to Amanda, "go to your room, and no dinner." Amanda ran to her room, crying. "Why do they hate me?" She asked her teddy bear, "every day I get hurt, and every day, I get punished for not fighting back." She cried. She took a tool box from underneath her bed, and opened it. She took out a book. "I found this in the garage." She told her bear, "it has a note from Mom."

Life will be hard, my child. Study this book, And one day, we will reunite.

Amanda was smart, smarter than most kids her age. She opened the book, and began reading. She read some words, and her bear got up, jumped out of her hands, and walked in circles. "Look, I did it." She said to her mother, thinking she would hear. She stayed up all night, reading. Then next morning, her alarm went off. She got ready for school, and Walked. She saw other kids walking with their parents. But Amanda was alone. "Stay strong, if you show weakness, you will never beat Anna." Amanda told herself whenever she felt sad. Her day was misery. She saw all the other kids having fun, and playing with toys, but she sat in the back, drawing. Alone. The teacher came over. "Amanda, why don't you go play with the others?" She asked. "They don't like me." She said. "I'm sure that's not true." The teacher said. "It is, I'm too smart and they think I'm weird." Amanda complained. "You're not weird." The teacher said, making Amanda feel better, "Now go play." Amanda walked over to a girl named Morgan. "Hey, can I-" Amanda started. "No you can't play with me, you'll ruin the fun like you always do." Morgan Said. Amanda nodded, and walked back to her spot in the back, and continued drawing. The teacher didn't say anything to Morgan, and ignored Amanda for the rest of the day. "Time to go home everyone!" The teacher said.  Amanda grabbed her Stuff, and a girl walked up to her. "What happened to your eye?" She asked. "I can't see out of it anymore." Amanda said. "What's your name?" The girl asked. "Amanda." Amanda said quietly. "I'm Emma." The girl said. "Why do you want to talk to me?" Amanda asked. "Because your eye looked weird." She said, then left, and walked with her friends. Amanda got home at the same time as Anna. And like every day, their father asked, "Anna, how was your day?" Anna answered, "it was awesome!" Then they started have a conversation, completely ignoring Amanda. Amanda didn't dare to leave. She knew she would get punished. "Okay girls, time for training." Their dad said. Training went about the same as the day before. Amanda was forced to skip dinner again.

Years later in 7th grade, Amanda was still alone. She was smaller than the rest of the 7th graders, and that caused her to be pushed around a lot more. She never dared to fight back. "Hey, small one." A girl said. The redhead girl walked up to Amanda, and said, "still blind?" Amanda was getting mad. "I'm not blind, Emma." She said. "Look, I know you don't like being treated like this, but your just so fun to bully, so deal with it." Emma said. She started to leave. "One day, you will pay for this." Amanda said. "What?" Emma said. "I said you'll pay for this." Amanda repeated. "Ha, look at this everyone!" Emma said to Everyone in the hall, who stopped to watch, "the little girl is finally growing up." Emma turned to Amanda and said "You'd better watch your mouth." Amanda groaned. Emma left. The other students went to class, but Amanda sat against the wall, crying.

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