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Amelda'a pulled from her memories by the soft voice of her adoptive brother, Edward. He's staring at her with shining golden eyes, and judging by the half smile half grimace on his face, he had been watching. Though, it's at least a weekly occurence for her mind to wander back to that night, so he should be used to it by now.

"Don't take yourself down that road again." It's more of a worried plea than a demand, but his words are firm as well, knowing just how bad it can get if she thinks too hard about it.

He always is the one to worry, to constantly check up on her even when she either doesn't want or need it. That's the way it had been since she first awoke to her new life of immortality. Edward, Carlisle and Esme had been the ones to explain to her this new life. With Carlisle guiding her transition, Esme offering a moral support, and Edward voicing the thoughts that she couldn't.

Rosalie had stayed away the first few months, not even willing to stand in the same room as her after introduction was over. She had later revealed to her, many years after the transition when she had finally found Emmett, that it wasn't because she hated her or held any bitterness. But rather, because she saw the way Mel had worn her scarlet red eyes and transformed body as if she was always meant to. She saw the way immortality had made Mel happy in the way that it never could make her.

"I'm okay." Her soft, silky voice comes out as a whisper, though a small smile accompanies it. She had known that would be his next question, it always is.

Edward chuckles hearing her thoughts, a matching smile working it's way onto his lips. "Are you coming with me to pick up Bella?"

"Of course, just give me a few minutes." She nods at him to wait in the car, waiting for the door to close behind him before turning back to the mirror before her. The girl staring back is one she always wanted to be - one surrounded by beauty, happiness and love. Even if she's the only member of her coven without a mate, the love of her family would always be enough.

Or so she thought.


The car ride there is spent listening to soft classic music, the two siblings making easy small talk until they pick up the human. Bella Swan is everything Mel imagined for Edward and more. From the way she's naturally soft spoken, shy and awkward, to the way she seems completely and utterly devoted to him. She truly couldn't imagine the two being apart ever again after Italy.

That's why it had been so easy to befriend and love the girl, at least for Mel. The fact that Bella would willingly and eagerly give up her life for those she loves is the most admirable thing in her eyes. And while, yes, she may want to give up her one human life for that of an eternity, it doesn't make her any less good.

They've all seen enough proof of that. When she was willing to sacrifice herself in Phoenix if it meant saving her mother, even if that turned out to be a trap by the sadistic hunter James. Then in Volterra, she was ready to die by the hands of the Volturi in place of Edward, so that he could live knowing that she loved him until the end.

So Mel would do whatever it takes to protect her from Victoria, the Volturi and any other danger that may come along.

Even if that means removing the engine from her truck to keep her off of the reservation.

"Of course that was your idea!" Bella scowls at the vampire girl in annoyance.

Mel rolls her eyes from the back seat, arms resting comfortably on the middle console. "Duh. Edward wouldn't know the first thing about cars, let alone that old rust bu-"

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